
Anthem Dev Tracker

16 Feb


Originally posted by Ursidoenix

So if I am understanding correctly are we supposed to get 40000 each time we unlock a javelin? Because I got 1 jav and 40000 at level 2, and i got a second javelin but no additional coin at level 8

I don't think that's how it works, I think it's the first time you play, not connected to acquiring a Javelin.


Originally posted by Kitsyn

Audio dropping randomly. Seems to be the same whether I'm using headset or speakers. Looking forward to patch repair.

Sorry! Thanks for your patience :)


Originally posted by Admiyer_me

Wait does that mean that Nothing has been patched yet since the Demo and that everyone is running an Day1 Unpatch version of the game, where performance still suck ass ? If that's what this is, that is very f**king stupid on the part of the Whole Bioware team.

Nope not that at all! It actually looked like this in development:

Demo build ---------->cert----->release

Launch build --------------->cert------>release

Early Access build ----------------->cert------>release

Day 1 patch -------------------------------->cert-------->release

The launch build was always going to be updated, but it's important to get the FULL game to certification for Sony and MS to test in it's entirety.

So basically every chance we get, we prioritized the most important work and often had to replicate it up to four times to ensure the fix was implemented everywhere. It's a ton of work, with thousands of fixes/changes being added at each step. Does that help explain it a bit?


Originally posted by Sufinsil

(Not OP)


Playing the launch build now. I had alt-f4ed while in options while attempting to see if there was dualshock 4 support (does not appear so). Relaunched the game and it was in permanent chipmunk mode. Pre-rendered movie at the start was sped up also.

Sample rate issue, most likely. Ensure your sample rate is set to 48k on all your audio output devices.


Originally posted by BudgetChicken

I had the same problem in the demo. I was able to fix it by switching my audio playback device in windows to a second wireless headphone option. One is hands-free and the other is stereo. Stereo worked while hands free made all audio in slow motion. I use Sony wh-1000xm3 headphones.

Thank you, this is a great clue!


Originally posted by DevBro22

So what about the sound not working whatsoever. Even on a restart. It also seems that since the sound stopped working for anthen, that Mass Effect: Andromeda also now has no sound. Nothing is wrong with my sound configuration and everything else like videos and speaker test work fine. Seems like the bug has infected other games by BioWare/Frostbite and is coming from Anthem. I can't even enjoy another game to get over the fact that i can't enjoy Anthem!

Ughhh. Sounds like a sample rate/out device setting that got changed. A bug can't 'infect' one game from another, it can however, change a setting that would apply to another game (which I guess is basically the same :()

So if you launch the game, can you test your audio output settings while it's running? Curious what your configuration is?


Originally posted by Lucifa42

Playing on headphones on PC, everything set to stereo/headphones.

Maybe I'm wrong and there was nothing missing as I have subtitles on and there was no subtitles for the 'missing' voice.

But the stuff Owen was saying made no sense, it was like hearing one side of a telephone conversation, he was obviously responding to what someone else said.

I wonder if you were hearing Owen speaking to another player? Were you in Freeplay with other folks?


Originally posted by Mutts_e

2 Major Bugs:

While using sony mx 1000 m3 headset cant hear any game music/voice after the connection screen

Cant find free-roam and strong hold tab in the expeditions ( cant see the UI for the challenges ).

Ensure your sample rate and bit depth are set correctly after you are in game, and then restart. I will pass on the UI feedback to the right folks, thanks!

Let me know if that doesn't fix the sound issue!


I'll ask around, I seem to recall there being a bug on this - it may have been fixed in the next patch. 😊


Originally posted by DawnBlue

If you're coming in a significant amount of time after the mission has started, that's definitely a bug. (A a note, Stronghold matchmaking windows are quite different). 😊

Question - if specifically using the Quickplay to fill someone else's mission, is it possible to be added into a mission later than at the beginning? As that would make sense.

Yes, for quick play you can join in at any time after the initial matchmaking window. 😊


Originally posted by lawrencej01

I was having this same problem and pretty much entirely fixed it by moving the game from my HDD to my SSD. I'm not sure if there's a certain point when the game thinks the team is all loaded and it starts the mission? Might not be waiting long enough? Not sure.

But yeah, u/Thewtfpanda if you have an SSD with 60+ GB of space free I'd try moving Anthem there. Completely solved this issue for me.

When everyone starts around the same time we do try to wait until everyone is ready, but there is a timeout.

I think we'll need to dig into it more to figure out what is going on and what we can do about it. 😊

Thanks for all the information folks!


Great vid


It's a bug 😣.


Originally posted by Thewtfpanda

Thankyou all for listening! Anthem is quickly becoming my favorite game and I think will grow into one of the best original ip of this generation!

Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! 😊


Glad you had a great time this morning, Rax!


Originally posted by Thewtfpanda

I've had several missions ( not in quickplay) start like two or three quest steps from the beginning for missions I have never done. Sometimes I'm loaded in so far from my allies that I hit another loading screen to get to them due to the auto catch up mechanic. Some of these missions have been critical story missions where I'll miss dialogue that set it up the mission so the context is completely lost. I have also had this happen with contracts ( which I know can be shorter) and again lose the context of the mission leaving me at a complete loss as to why I'm doing whatever it is I'm being prompted to do in a mission.

I suggest having all players load in and then have the mission start. So, all players spawn in and start the mission together. That way nobody feels lost doing a mission they have never done.

I would expect loading into a ongoing mission for quickplay or even a stronghold but not for regular match made missions. Let me know if you need me to elabora...

Thanks for the feedback, we'll look into it. 😊


Hmm... It's not supposed to work that way... There's a short window where you can still be match made into a mission but it should only be like a minute or so.

If you're coming in a significant amount of time after the mission has started, that's definitely a bug. (A a note, Stronghold matchmaking windows are quite different). 😊

Is that what you're seeing?


You don’t know how much this post means to me and the folks on the gameplay team. We put a lot of heart into making this better for launch because we knew this was a big deal. We wanted to get it right. Thank you.