
Anthem Dev Tracker

15 Feb


Originally posted by CallMeMorgan

Not an option on this current tv. Only have Normal and Wide, neither fixes it

From someone on the team:

"Depending on the TV it might have a weird name. I had a problem with mine for a long time and just finally figured out for my Panasonic TV - It was called overscan and turning it off fixed it for me."


Originally posted by KiinTo_

Im stuck at 95% loading into the game for the first time ID is greenpink3333



Originally posted by LadulianIsle

Found the cable!

Plugging it in did reactivate the sound.

I swapped back and forth between bluetooth and the cable -- it seemed pretty consistently in the not-working state with Bluetooth. I would need to restart the game itself to see if the crash in the start will happen with a cord.

But I want to get playing. I've spent too much time on the graphics settings already.

Hope you guys manage to fix it!

Glad to hear it - we will continue digging!


Originally posted by AircoolUK

Not noticed any dropouts. However the sound levels of different voices vary quite considerably. You can either barely hear them, or they wake up the neighbours.

Tried different 'speaker' settings but the doesn't really help.

We have continued to improve the dynamic range settings (which will help this issue). Can you confirm your setup? Stereo? Surround? Speaker setup...etc?


Originally posted by Rheynor

Idk if you're the right person to ask, but I can't get VOIP to work at all. Any advice? I posted below but no one responded

Could be a host of factors - first, check that your audio settings are set correctly in the Origin app. Then I would test your microphone and audio device settings in windows, then double check that the VOIP settings in game are correct. Report back Freelancer!


Originally posted by LadulianIsle

Not sure where I put it, actually. I was just looking for it. So unfortunately, no.

Also, was a bit hasty about the Windows Sonic thing. Still hearing hitches, but I agree that could very well be Bluetooth.

Yeah let me know if you can test on a configuration without Bluetooth - we just ordered a bunch of different consumer bluetooth headsets to try to track this issue down.


Originally posted by LadulianIsle

Correction, you don't need to spam spacebar. It just happens sometimes.

I don't know how to send images through reddit. I didn't know about + can't find Origin audio settings. Could you clarify on which PC sound settings you're talking about?

If it helps, I'm using the Sony MDR-XB950N1 Bluetooth headset. It shows up as two different output devices, Headset and Headphone. Headphone is set as default output. Headset is set as default communication device. At time of startup, Windows Sonic for Headphones was on (not sure why it was, actually).

A separate issue I was having were audio hitches, but after I turned off Windows Sonic they disappeared.

I have heard a few instances of bluetooth causing issues when used. Are you able to test with an analog (old school) cable?


Originally posted by xKingxnitemare

like theres barely any settings at all for graphics etc for console. we need options.

I think they are limited on console - but we are always open to specific suggestions. You can log those requests at


Originally posted by infel2no

Happen to me also during some missions. I have to restart the game innorder to fix it each time

Yeah that's the cutout bug that should be addressed (or at least greatly reduced) in the day 1 patch.


Don’t fall to the dark side!!!!


Mind tagging this to be a PC post? I think it will help a lot of people


Originally posted by LadulianIsle

**SUMMARY:** Audio system failing at startup when connecting with server.

**BUG/ISSUE:** Audio system works at startup, then appears to die on the login screen and never returns.

**REPRODUCTION:** Launch game. Wait for connecting to server to pop up. Spam spacebar. Sound should die. Not sure if it happens all the time.

**TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** Intel i7-8750H, Nvidia GTX 1060 Max-Q, Windows 10

**ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:** "Exit Anthem" seems to occasionally fix it.

Can you send me screens of your Origin audio settings, your PC sound device settings?


Originally posted by wardamn_adam

**SUMMARY: No voice audio

**BUG/ISSUE: None of the voiceovers are playing. Getting subtitles and facial animations but not voice. All other audio is playing. On headphones all audio is playing through left speaker.

**REPRODUCTION: Started after the intro missions, still happening after multiple resets.


Is your speaker configuration set correctly? This sounds a LOT like you are getting no center channel, which can occur when you are on a stereo setup but have the game set to surround?


Originally posted by CallMeMorgan

Not an option on this current tv. Only have Normal and Wide, neither fixes it

K, will pass that info back.


Originally posted by ikarlcpfc

I've bloody fixed it.

Disbale Sound effects in the Realtek speakers worked.

lol! ughhhhh....the worst. Glad that worked, we will add it as an item to investigate on our end.


Originally posted by V_for_Viola

Unless I'm mistaken, they saaaaaid that this was added for launch.

I'm really hopeful it ends up as a Day 1 patch addition, as I also can't see my compass or shields.

/u/BioWareJer sorry to tag you, any ideas?

Support is telling me to pass on the message "Set their TV to 'Full Screen'"


Originally posted by Destructus86

Well, guess that's false because I'm playing right now and the sound cut out. :/

PC version. Only way to get sound back is to restart the game.

Yep - day 1 patch has this almost entirely fixed. It was a nightmare to reproduce.


Originally posted by V_for_Viola

Unless I'm mistaken, they saaaaaid that this was added for launch.

I'm really hopeful it ends up as a Day 1 patch addition, as I also can't see my compass or shields.

/u/BioWareJer sorry to tag you, any ideas?

I *think* they looked at this for the day 1 - I'll check.


Originally posted by Pizzarar

I'm stuck at 95% as well even after restart, update, repair. OID: Aub24
