
Anthem Dev Tracker

16 Feb


Originally posted by Captain-Crowbar

I would only make 1 suggestion at this point for flying:

Have the mouse control the camera, not the cursor. Have the javelins turn a maximum rate towards the direction camera is facing until the javelin is centred. Having to constantly reposition the mouse on the mouse pad because it keeps readjusting the position towards the centre just doesn't work well. In the short term it's pretty annoying and long term will become a frustration.

Either implement something like the above or have the option to not have the game keep centering the mouse would be nice. A controller can keep a joystick held hard in one direction to make a turn without having to constantly reposition the stick - mouse control needs the same ability.

We previously had no auto-centering (in Alpha and demo) and the feedback since then with auto-centering reenabled has been overwhelmingly positive. Not everybody prefers this obviously but a lot of this can be mitigated by increasing flight sensitivity to decrease mouse repositioning. You can also increase mouse response to increase acceleration for more significant cursor movement with less mouse movement. I’d suggest continuing to mess with the various settings to see if you can achieve a feel that you like.


Originally posted by Tyrosus

triggers a PTSD episode That's exactly what I see

Hahaha - so it looks like there is bad data in your profile for unlocks. They are looking at right meow.

I will report back!


We're looking into this, I don't believe this is how it is intended to work.


Originally posted by Darkstrike86

Wow thank you so much!

Does it matter how you get the kills? (WEAPON, ULT, MELEE)

It should not matter, you should be able to use whatever you want. 😊


Originally posted by Truhls

So as someone who played the demo for 2 hours and wasnt planning on playing the launch at all, i must say im impressed. Did you even do a slight tune up on enemy HP? I dont know if it was the guns i found in the demo or what, but stuff doesnt feel quite as bullet spongey as it did in the demo. Congrats to you and the team. The only thing i wish was slightly different is the amount the javs can fly.

Hey Truhls thanks for the feedback! Yeah we did quite a few balance passes in creature health and damage to try to get it more balanced. Thanks for noticing.


Originally posted by Tyrosus

It zooms in, repeats the dialogue Captain Liatrell (or whatever her name is) says and she says "Here lies the final resting place of xyz, Legionnaire of something something" "You have been judged, and found wanting." Then there's nothing. Tried just about everything. Sitting there waiting for upwards half an hour to see if anything else happens, shooting it. Tried using my ultimate on it. Reloading game, different javelins, instances, parties. Hell, I tried to read it a bedtime story once.


Originally posted by Tyrosus

It zooms in, repeats the dialogue Captain Liatrell (or whatever her name is) says and she says "Here lies the final resting place of xyz, Legionnaire of something something" "You have been judged, and found wanting." Then there's nothing. Tried just about everything. Sitting there waiting for upwards half an hour to see if anything else happens, shooting it. Tried using my ultimate on it. Reloading game, different javelins, instances, parties. Hell, I tried to read it a bedtime story once.

"Tried using my ultimate on it."


Will pass this on, thanks!


Originally posted by lvnna

Yes, including redownloading the game twice!

Hey Ivnna I know you’ve mentioned that you’ve reinstalled but have you deleted local app data?


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Alrighty. Thank you for the help. I really do appreciate it - makes me feel better that there's at least someone looking into this.


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Alrighty. Thank you for the help. I really do appreciate it - makes me feel better that there's at least someone looking into this.

Can you tell me what happens when you get to the door? Does it say you are unworthy?


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Alrighty. Thank you for the help. I really do appreciate it - makes me feel better that there's at least someone looking into this.

A LOT of someones :)


Originally posted by lvnna

Thank you. Please let me know if there's anything I can do or if you need any more info, I just want to fix this and enjoy the rest of the time I have this week.

Will do - we will continue to work on it and I will loop back if I learn anything!


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Tyrosusz is my origin ID, I don't know about the other fellow. I hope he's around to comment his. There's another thread with a TON of people trying to get attention on this problem - do I have your permission to ping you on it?


Yeah - we have a whole thread in Slack dedicated to this now. I need as many Origin IDs/Gamertags as possible so people can look at the server side data. If you tag me make sure to ask for that first or I will have to anyways :)


Originally posted by Veihai

i allready did do that here:

under the username "roadshark" but my post was moved into another persons post...



Originally posted by lvnna

Summary: The game is completely unplayable, can't get past the start screen - Error retrieving Anthem live service data

/u/BioWareJer /u/BioCamden It's been over 24 hours since the game release and I haven't been able to get past the start screen. I've tried contacting EA Support, EA Help on Twitter and @@Bio_Warner as well, but no fix or any communication in sight. I've already wasted 5 of my 10 hour trial (I preordered the game, but only have Basic) trying to get past the start menu but the game is completely unplayable and I thought I'd tag you guys because I'm pretty helpless at this point.

The error in question is this one (Connection Problem: Error retrieving Anthem live service data). The debug file on the Origin folder says "WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(114)] locale_file_path.empty" over and over, but I haven't been able to figure out what it is. I've alre...

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Brutal. Posting to our live response team now.

Sorry for the hassle!


I'll make sure it's on the list - there might be a bug in there. I don't believe this is the way it's intended to work.


Originally posted by Arkrayven

I can't believe how on top of this you are. You're not only answering the same questions repeatedly, but you're passing along issues you can't address directly. I love devs like you.

Thanks for doing your best to make Anthem something above and beyond. It doesn't go unnoticed.

I've set aside my mornings to have coffee and respond to issues - we KNOW there are still issues and we are determined to get people around them, or track them and fix them as soon as possible. Thanks for the shoutout, we are trying!


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Tyrosusz and I can't - because I'm missing the entire 'freeplay' section of my Challenges log. It just says I've completed the challenges required (in the quest log) and I'm able to 'explore the tomb' - Will attach screenshot momentarily.

Ok that's fine - Origin IDs?

I have folks looking at this as we speak!


Originally posted by Latitudes

Just before the cutscene was triggered. From what I remember the combat had already concluded and we were flying to the next point when it dropped.

Rest of the mission and all cutscenes had no audio. Sucked because it was one of the longer missions with ingame and prerendered scenes.

Thanks for the reply anyway, much appreciated.

On a side note, may have another sound related crash. When talking to various NPCs and choosing a dialogue option you immediately get disconnected and thrown to the main menu. It's repeatable and happens with multiple NPCs.

Hmmm. That's not a sound bug, but definitely a bug. Can you give me a repro step order?

As sh*te as it is now, the best bet if audio cuts out is to restart immediately - it's a choice between losing a bit of progress and having to miss important beats - the timing in your case was particularly terrible and I apologize for that experience.


Originally posted by Darkstrike86

What is considered a Multikill? Just 2 guys at once. I heard somewhere it was 5?!!

Just looking for the right info.

8 kills with a 10 second timeout between each (which resets every time you get a kill). 😊