
Anthem Dev Tracker

16 Feb


Originally posted by Anansispider

Do you know if physical damage means regular damage from guns? I have a mod that says -5% damage on physical damage...

Yes physical damage does apply to guns.


Originally posted by catholicBoio01

So like lightning strike and burning orb get a 35% buff?

The charged up explosion on burning orb would yes. And yes lightning strike as well.


Originally posted by King_noa

Yes and this is not colossus related, had it on my storm in one mission I had 8 Segmentes, normally I have 2 but then out of the blue all the components stop working and the health is down to 1.

Edit: and btw can someone explain me, how these hp bar Boxen work? The number feels so random, sometimes you increase the health but get less boxes idk. Maybe /u/benirvo or /u/biocamden

I’ll take a look and see if we have a bug in this already. I know we saw this in the demo. If not I’ll get one entered.


Originally posted by Moosebacca

Heya, thanks so much for your diligence on these threads!

On a note related to the fps, I'm experiencing a pretty crazy amount of screen tearing on Xbox One S. It is also visible on the X, possibly to a slightly lesser degree. I'm on a freesync display with the feature active as well. The tearing is present whether the feature is on or off.

Any idea if this will be addressed in the d1 patch? Thanks again!

Not to sure about this one, /u/BrenonHolmes might know though :)


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Thanks! _^

From support: can we ask them if they have early warnings completed in expedition -> critical -> challenge list?


Originally posted by LeSmooze

Can you comment at all about the loading issues people are experiencing? I've currently decided to wait until the 22nd for the day 1 patch because I can't play missions without missing half the content for loading too long.. and then loading again because the team is too far away. I don't wanna bother, I just wanna know if the team is working on an optimization for this, or if it's a server issue or something else.

You mean the long load screen times? I know there were a lot of optimizations to bundle loading (the thing that takes the longest) in the Day 1 Patch, how much better, I am not sure. Are you running off SSD? That has helped some other folks...


Originally posted by Diableus

SUMMARY: When changing Javelin in the Forge and you crash, you will be unable to load into the game again. Trying to join another player will then crash them every time as well. This is a serious error for the Pilot data.

BUG/ISSUE: See above. No longer able to connect after Javelin change and crash in forge.

REPRODUCTION: Crashing while in the forge will produce this error every time.


That does not sound good! I'l get a bug logged on this, were you in the launch bay or tarsis?


Originally posted by ArchbishopTurpin

Count me in the list of people really impressed by the team's response times and reactions.

You can tell everyone working their asses off over there that I've gone from total skeptic about this game to massively excited. And it is 100% because of these responses and how readily you want to adapt to what we need.

Thank you!


Originally posted by Bonk_EU

Oof nothing more uplifiting to do? :) But in that case i applaud your commitment.

Thanks :)

We are trying. Really hard.


Originally posted by LadulianIsle

**SUMMARY:** Duplicate meshes in expedition launch screen.

**BUG/ISSUE:** There are two copies of my Javelin in the Expedition launch animation.

**REPRODUCTION:** In the expedition screen, press F to start matchmaking. Then press F again to cancel.

**TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** Windows 10, Intel i7 8750H, GPU GTX 1060 Max-Q

**ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:** This also happens in Fort Tarsis, where the Forge is located, but I don't know how to reproduce that bug.

Thanks for the information, I'm pretty sure this one is fixed in the patch on the 22nd but I'll double check :)


Originally posted by MarekTalorra

SUMMARY: Mouse cursor gets "stuck" on game screen after interacting with menus or map

BUG/ISSUE: Frequently experience the mouse cursor getting stuck to the middle of the screen, near the crosshair, after opening Journal, settings, map, etc. where the cursor is used. Have to open a menu again, try clicking around, then close it to get it to clear.

REPRODUCTION: Open a menu, map, etc with the cursor available. Close this item.

TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Windows 10 Home 10.0.17134, i5 3570k, 16GB RAM, RX480 8GB/Radeon Adrenalin 19.2.1 drivers, running on an SSD.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I had to take this with my phone. Interestingly, the cursor does not show up in a FRAPS screenshot.

Thanks for the information! I'm having trouble reproducing this one myself, I'll keep looking into it. How consistently can you make this happen?


Originally posted by Smoochtime


Issue: everytime I log out the settings revert to default. Logging in each time i have to change all settings back to custom.

Thanks for the report. I haven't seen this one before, I'll get this logged :)