@_CvC_b: ウサオク🐰
@PLT_cheater @MannyHagopian Manny isn’t real. Just an AI driven twitter bot.
@Robot_Giggles: Morning everyone! Today is the day! I’m doing a fundraiser stream for Veteran suicide prevention and I need your help. E…
A fist fight to the finish. 👊
🎬: u/Light_VG
@barkyshark: some apex sketches #ApexLegends
@GordonBellamy Happy birthday!
@PlutonForEver: Gaming is technology empowering art, creativity, and storytelling. Help us get more boys and girls interested in STEM so…
Good news @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN , Death Stranding is pathfinder approved! Congrats to everyone @KojiPro2015_EN on the launch.
Oh, that’s today!
Playstation players, you know we couldn't leave you out of this. 😉
For our last day, we're giving away Bloodhound and Lifeline Editions for Playstation. To enter, reply with who you main.
Must be 18+ to participate. #RespawnGiveaway
@VonHollde @py_bun +1
Science rules all. We hope in this instance, it will provide you with a swift and speedy recovery 🧪
@DBD_1R_17R: 좀만 더 하면되는데 귀찮음..ㅋ.ㅋ.ㅋㅋㅋㅋ;;
@yosp Congrats!
@TheBoiiBleu Shhhh, tomorrow 😉
Alright, Xbox players, this one's for you!
Today, we're giving away Bloodhound and Lifeline Editions for Xbox. To enter, reply with your favorite place to drop on World's Edge.
@R_HillPrime: これは敵どうし
Heads up, Legends! We’ve pushed a server patch to PC to hotfix the following:
● Bug that allowed players to melee during the pre-match ● Bug allowing players to quit out of Ranked Matches before start and avoid abandon penalties + get max RP
Console changes soon to follow 👍
@pokenerd0123456 Don't worry, Xbox will be later this week!
@moises6446 Later this week ;)
Angel of death or diabolical demon? 🤔
Can't decide? You don't have to! We're giving away Bloodhound and Lifeline Editions starting today with PC. To enter, reply with what you're enjoying most in Season 3.