@WhoseBacon @Dododex TY!
@CRossRoss @Dododex Got a legit chuckle out of me. Keep fighting the good fight.
@Dododex Man, I love data. My next question would be "why". I'm assuming for taming info.
Good stuff! 💪🏿
@animal3200 @Dododex I've actually wanted to do this lol
@Dododex Machine beats man this time, I was just about to tweet this out 😅
@DreadTamer This is what ascension looks like.
@DreadTamer: The studio has gotten an upgrade #playARK @ComplexMinded #VirtualPhotography
@Jatheish *triangulating location*
@JessicaBennettB @survivetheark 🤍
@Chris_cardiss05 Yep, the team is on it and I do know there's an upcoming fix for Playstation
@ykotaJ @Mecha71020716 @Tokitou_Fog @NexxuzHD 🤣
@NexxuzHD ❤️😴🛌 Get your beauty rest. Hope you feel better soon!
@Eferhilda @A_K_Nyx What's beautiful is the love ❤️
@ladyteruki @Nekatus @Raasclark @gportalde @survivetheark ^^^^ This is the thing. When you arent documenting during the process, it makes it impossible to backtrack
@ZonexxOficial 👋🏿
@Nekatus @Raasclark @ladyteruki @gportalde @survivetheark I think we shouldn't spoil it. I'm all for doing these types of things but I'd rather do a bigger post after release - as things in development can change and people may see something they get attached to that doesn't make it in the official version.
@survivetheark Echooooo
There are still 3 more days for a chance to score #ARKXmasLoot!
There's still 3 more days for a chance to score #ARKXmasLoot!
@ladyteruki @Raasclark @Nekatus @gportalde @survivetheark 😂 we should def not use "BTS" lol