Been a little quiet on the social front.
Had to prep some things for internal meetings, etc. We just had our "all hands" meeting for the end of the year. All the teams share their current work and upcoming plans.
Yo Jat, what is this for?
Studio Wildcard is hiring for @survivetheark! Here are some of our open positions. Head over to for more info :) #gamedevjobs
@ARKLove9: Sinomacrops kawaii(*‘ω‘ *)
#ARK #playARK #arkart
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Ass
Ruin a videogame by replacing one word with "ass" Ass Crisis.
Adding OC LI servers RIGHT NOW 🐨
we'll continue to monitor and potentially add more LI servers across various networks and game modes as required
oh honey no
@jasonschreier: Omicron presents a tremendous challenge: do you go out and risk getting covid or stay on the internet and risk hearing p…
@OldfieldCasey nope, why?
We are temporarily disabling transfers on PC in preparation for a deployment.
@bluedragonark: New Creatures from Lost Island! Dinopithecus, Sinomacrops, and Amargasaurus Which one is your favorite @survivetheark?…
@NaturalCauzes: Ever wondered what @survivetheark Santa get's up to when not delivering gifts?
Turns out, it's practising his moves for…
@EgoSilentium: Well.. let's get acquainted #ARKSurvivalEvolved #playARK #arkart
@DouGieForReal @Dododex @PlayARKWiki Oh
@Dododex @PlayARKWiki Thanks playarkwiki 🙃
@expectproblems Requiem For a Dream Irréversible
@CraigBCBrown @King_John333 @zadirakindle @survivetheark @SyntacYT @Raasclark @NotDollie @Jatheish
Some servers are still coming up (XBOX SmallTrbes, etc)
@Kitach4 Coords?
@trentnjones Platform?