How are we doing peeps?
@TiiaAurora What an answer! 😂 github 🤣 love it!
Just added to patch notes:
QOL: New TEK Egg Incubator Buff 'Gestation Monitoring' - activating this buff grants your character the ability to view the embyro's stats of gestating creatures or reset the creature's gestation.
@AnthomniaGAME: The new Dinopithecus in ARK: Lost Island literally pulls grenades out of it's prison wallet. Nobody was ready for THAT a…
We're investigating a network issue with transfers. A network redeployment may be required.
@TheEarrion @Alexand90575037 @survivetheark @gportalint @gportalde LETS GO!!!!!
@OreskoWhat @Wc_Eli might be able to help out
@crystafox99 I'll see what I can dig up
@flatsstanlie Today
@Dragong30490173 @AustenGeorgeS NICE!
@jesselehawke Good luck!
@kermittDfrogg Mannnnnnnnnn
@AustenGeorgeS Wow, that seems late
@angstysenpai NICE!!!
Is school out for holiday break yet? I forget when that begins.
@NotDollie @UpFromTheDepths 🖤