@EnglishroseTJ I do know there are still some giveaways planned and I do believe we have a limited amount of codes left. I'll check with the team and do inventory.
I do know the @ARKitects_Ark has an event coming up with a plushie giveaway.
@Tamaki41383473 Arnold Palmer
Oh, there's some stuff in today's Crunch too 🔥🔥🔥. May be a later one. See you then!
@Jade_Playsgames @Adelaid39209763 So you do have a heart?
Much love man!
@FriendlyTohru @allhadin With all due respect, people have been telling me for 3 years the game will die out if ______ happens.
I agree we need to stay on top of things though. All love!
@FriendlyTohru @allhadin Do you think we aren't doing anything about meshing or do you just think we need to work harder? Legit question.
@johtunn Yup. For this in particular it's probably rewarding those with 'mesh methods' and not necessarily holes.
@FriendlyTohru @allhadin What if I told you meshing would never be "fixed". Not wholeheartedly. The opportunity for meshing will exist in the future too.
First thing I did in Cyberpunk was mesh. We need to but better protections, but the ability to find a way to do it will always be there
@FriendlyTohru @allhadin Those are all complicated issues that we are 'fixing' every day.
They won't disappear. Particularly cheating. I just know as a gamer I'd be mad if the company isn't doing anything. It's pretty clear by the patches, we are attacking things. Maybe not at the pace you expect
@Raasclark 🤞🏿
@FriendlyTohru @allhadin How can you know something should be fixed by now if you don't know the steps involved to fix them? I'm not trying to be rude.
Saying issues shouldn't be there is a fair statement but it's definitely a statement without game dev experience.
Anonymous if you want 👀👀👀👀👀
@FriendlyTohru @allhadin How would us not making ARK help anyone? No one would be playing ARK. The game, with its issues, is still a lot of fun for a lot of people.
You don't always walk in knowing all the answers. Sometimes you figure them out as you go - game development of a live game.
@codigoalex_ 🤣🤣🤣
@WhoIsEmmaAdams HAHAHA they wanted the recognition!
@WhoIsEmmaAdams Its anonymous you know :)
"But what are you all doing about exploits"
We are paying the people who have information and can reproduce them. We've already sent +50k out. You have information?
Happy Friday folks!
@KermittGaming Could you give a date when this occurred please
@KermittGaming Platform and server please? Would like to attach to the machine and get some info from the crash
@sam58113591 which platform are you on?