@UpFromTheDepths @Mr_Freddle It's bound to happen. Community growing pains. We'll get through it though!
@Tiberiu62358802 That's fine. I was a modder and still am. WC "stole ideas" from me before I was even hired if we use these definitions. I don't think they should be using his actual work/video if Garuga doesn't want them to though.
@Tiberiu62358802 They are using it as examples for the creature's submission. If Garuga does not want them used as examples we can remove them but the idea would still stand.
If you want to influence the creature vote, get your communities involved. It's as simple as that. This is essentially a popularity contest.
Engagement drives participation. Get your tribe members, allies, server friends - everyone. Mail out letters, whatever.
Get involved.
@codigoalex_ Much love Alex
@Mr_Freddle @UpFromTheDepths Do you think a tweet vs. a video really makes that big a difference. This is really an argument about the size of his community and the engagement of his community.
@UpFromTheDepths @Mr_Freddle What is the solution, forbid him from participating?
@Tiberiu62358802 All due respect, that's a real-world dino. Just because that modder brought it to ARK doesn't mean someone is stealing their idea if they suggest it/modded it imo.
@UpFromTheDepths @Mr_Freddle The rules stated that a developer couldnt submit their own ideas - meaning a creature they already made/have.
It sounds like Nexxuz is being faulted for having a big community.
@Sir__Sammie What rules were there about promotion?
@Mr_Freddle What would those rules be? Influencers can't tweet or post anything? Who determines what an influencer is? Is there a certain level of viewers or followers they need to have. You see how complicated this can get?
@Tiberiu62358802 Also, I dont know where the rules stated that "Youtubers" couldn't promote or talk about posts. Developers can submit their own dinos - meaning dinos in their mods.
@Tiberiu62358802 An idea of a dino is stolen content? I see where that could be the case in some instances but aren't these real-world dinos? (according to the rules).
If that's the case it really isn't anyone's idea. Speaking generally
@JLNHD_z always with respect 💪🏿
People will have ideas that are different from yours. People won't always agree or like your ideas.
And that's OK 😄
Double-down on uplifting your ideas and not dragging down those you don't like.
Please please please let's keep the #PositiveVibes with the dino creature submission voting.
If you like something, vote on it, if not.. keep it moving.
It's meant to uplift the community, not divide it. And if it goes well, maybe we do this more often.
@AvionLukas @Risky_Warrior I'll see what I can dig up.
@genie_45 @Skittlis He always has my back.
@Risky_Warrior I'll pass this on.