Community Crunch 269: Astrodelphis, TwitchGaming Weekly Show, and More!
@SyntacYT @verified I would have thought you would have had it!
Ready to be denied by @verified
But we'll try again.
XBOX rates are being updated now and should go live in 20 min. Sorry about that!
An ARK: EVOLUTION EVENT is active from now through May 24th, with:
- 2X Breeding (mating interval, egg hatch speed, imprint, and maturation) - 2X Taming - 2X Harvesting - 2X XP - 1.5 Hexagon Bonus
@AaronLongstaff1 @YouTubeGaming @YouTube @YouTubeCreators Wow, I remember watching when you had significantly less. What a major accomplishment. Congrats!
@Raasclark @sefiroultima I should clarify this isn't MY home, this is HOME. Before people start saying "greedy devs make too much moneyyyyyyyyyyy!"
@sefiroultima @Raasclark This is home for now. Started working out a private studio setting post-covid. Hoping to get back to a gym eventually. It works for now though
@codigoalex_ ♥️
@EugenHint @rcgriff1992 @drdisrespect yayayayayayayaya
@Darkholis1: @survivetheark @ZenRowe @ComplexMinded #ARKModProgram #sponsoredmod #playARK #ARK #ARKSurvivalEvolved #UE4Modding
Need a f…
@Darkholis1 @survivetheark @ZenRowe Very cool!!!
@rcgriff1992 Whenever I watch Dr Disrespect he makes me want to play it. Looks like a lot of fun!
1PM PDT - every time 😂
EVO Event kicking off at 1PM today.
- 2x Breeding (mating interval, egg hatch speed, imprint, and maturation) - 2X Taming - 2X Harvest - 2X XP - 1.5x Hexagon Rewards
Notice will be sent from main once it's started!
@codigoalex_ Many more years of ARK to come!
muchos años!!
@Raasclark hahahahahha