EVO Event ends at 1 PST (similarly to past events). Plan accordingly!
@darkvanillarose @Vicpr2 Oh, I am that person for a lot of people. I love having these conversations even with current coworkers.
@TwitterSupport I need that tip jar now! 🤣
@zzzzzunit 🤣
@darkvanillarose @Vicpr2 What bothered me is the assumptions. if you are coming from a place of seeking genuine understanding, I would try not to lace my questions with assumptions. Just ask them straight up. Where did you go to school, grow up, were you rich, etc? Then take that info back to ponder.
@Ares33909104 You can really see the passion. Nice!
@TabbitGames: ジェネシス公式新拠点、探査基地をモチーフに建築しました! 海プラフォ4枚にまたがる大きな建物がお気に入りの拠点です⚒️ New base for the official Genesis server, built on the motif o…
@AvionLukas Hopefully, someone is enlightened by it. I think the dialogue is good, we just have to be careful with how we come to the table when we discuss. Both sides honestly.
@darkvanillarose @Vicpr2 I know exactly what you are saying. It's deep.
@BearXaki Yea I get the intent. I didn't rage out. Just wanted to point that out for those who may not have seen an interaction like that.
And I'll find out tonight ;)
@Valentin31G All good, hopefully, it opened someone's mind.
@Vicpr2 @darkvanillarose ^
@darkvanillarose And it also assumes that all of these things is the only reason a black person can speak well.
@darkvanillarose I think if he has asked the questions without saying this is the key to this countries evolution. you have to understand a statement like that has all sorts of assumptions. if he had just asked me where I grew up, etc it would have been fine.
I will let you know, I considered getting fired for leaking the Genesis II theme music over the weekend. I was almost willing to risk it for the community....
Then I saw @jeremystieglitz in my head..
@Valentin31G Yea I don't think they were trying to be mean on purpose but I also wanted to show how your words can come across to other people.
@AvionLukas The problem is that it has racial undertones. it makes the assumption that all black people talk a certain way or come from an upbringing. Then he lists things as if black people don't/can't have those things as well.
@Eferhilda It makes the assumption that every black talk a certain way - uneducated.
@peytonnoob I do not believe I gave it a 12/10 lol. Maybe I did..... Na, couldn't be! I haven't played it yet though, so I can't rate it.