@scuzzyuk @TheEllisha You could join the Discord. I think the point I'm making is the information is out there. Sure there are times you have to opt into it and you can argue that shouldn't be the case, but there's info out there on this issue.
@scuzzyuk @TheEllisha As I said, things that don't affect more than 80% of our users don't go to main comms. While this is a large issue in terms of what it does, it doesn't affect as many people as it seems. So the broadcast doesn't go from the main channel. You can disagree with that.
@TheEllisha @scuzzyuk I'm OK with taking a jab (critical feedback) - I just want people to know that they can feel comfortable engaging.
@scuzzyuk @TheEllisha That's fair. Typically things that don't affect more than 80% of our users go to smaller channels or comms. This has been posted in our official Discord. Yes, I know not everyone uses Discord. Dollie also posted about it yesterday. I've been posting about it non-stop
@scuzzyuk @TheEllisha What makes you think it's barely acknowledged? No official post on STA? Not being challenging FYI - your feedback is helpful.
@crabbytron @NotDollie I wish my co-workers were this awesome! /s
@TheEllisha Everything does, much love!
@TheEllisha kk thanks for confirming ♥
@TheEllisha Have you tried anything since yesterday morning? Was wondering if this was related:
You should now be able to browse the Xbox Store on all platforms & any previously purchased games or apps should launch as expected. Thank you for the reports, we'll be here & listening.
For ONCE, it's not me getting humiliated in a suit 🤣
@TheEllisha Trust me.. it's a priority. Much more than it was when it was first mentioned a few days ago!
@TheEllisha If I had one, you'd have one :(
@ZenRowe in the suit, @KeenAspect on the cam
Yo, you.
Yes, you.
Game dev
No matter what's going on in your game, good times or bad times, remember....
You're allowed to have fun!
@Wardemon @survivetheark Lol this is a cool idea
@allgodoflol @NotDollie @survivetheark 👀👀
@NightBl14090927 The team is aware of these. They've looked into ferox once but there's still more to do there. I know people assume these things should be fixed already but it takes time and resources and priority. I'll make sure these are on the radar.
@NightBl14090927 @sandshark720 @momofvck I can't speak for whoever you are talking about but I care about the community. what bugs are you talking about? just @ me, we don't have to do it on this thread.
@ArtisticMortem Im dying
@codigoalex_ I'll be looking even if you don't 🤜🏿 The fun is the challenge, we learn a lot.