@Redkrome Thank you for your passion for ARK. It's something that connects us all. Hopefully, we have many more years left!
@Redkrome Hi! I hope so! I cant confirm right now but I will keep you updated!
@Peter_Fries 👀
@HainiteIsback Glad we had this convo but to your point, we need optimization and fixes too, and a steady flow of them to make sure we keep our loyal players happy.
@NefariusAP I was in chat ♥ but I had to go. I will try to stop by another time!
@HainiteIsback The better answer is you need to do both to remain healthy. Bug fixes don't bring in new revenue but they keep your existing players happy and potentially buying into your new stuff. So to your point, we have to do both.
@HainiteIsback Because new content brings in new revenue and new revenue is needed to keep the lights on (pay employees, servers, etc)
@HainiteIsback My apologies, didn't mean to place expectations on you. unfortunately, I read too many comments sometimes and assume one comment is like the next.
@NefariusAP 👀
@HainiteIsback The same way I cant make promises that every bug will be magically fixed.
@HainiteIsback I can understand that as a player, I can. But the team remains committed and passionate about correcting some of the things that currently plague us. Do I understand if a player has had enough? I do. But I cant convince anyone to keep playing if they don't want to.
@HainiteIsback I don't think anyone is trying to make excuses here. That wasn't my intent at least. My only intent was to say everyone had a rough day - including players.
@HainiteIsback Including players
A little context: I had been working for Studio Wildcard for a few months prior to this but remotely. But this was my first day in the office.
@Hanna_Otter Nah I always get this way when we get close to releases :)