@TekARK3 Beautiful work as usual
@MikeW26_ @NotDollie @Jatheish @survivetheark I'll see what I can find out.
@HeartbeatLoL I will. Pinky promise
there was a typo on the date
@HeartbeatLoL grats homie! miss you much
@Cyberknight74 @XxQuickhitsxX @NotDollie ♥️
@A_dmg04 Much love
@XGonjuhX They are updated
@NotDollie Wise words
If a Company tells you "we're family here" run. Fast.
Pace yourself or risk burnout. Be wary of your passion being utilised to eat you up.
Games are collaborative. You ain't no rock star.
There's sexism (yes, still)
Most games don't launch.
Be nice. Word travels.
Elderdevs of #gamedev: What's one thing you wish you'd known prior to applying for roles in the industry? https://t.co/PQvSTWXjdG
This is the appropriate response to a player telling a Studio employee to kill themselves.
@LloydGibbons2 Now that was good. 👏
@Ark_x3 I'm confused?
@RinuxArk this is amazing!!!
@LloydGibbons2 That was almost funny. I smiled at least
In case you were wondering it didn't stay with candy from age 5 to late 20's. She was really thoughtful and got things I needed transitioning into diff. stages in my life. Late teens/Early 20's lots of body wash/axe body spray lol. Late 20's shares of stock.
@MarvlManv3 ♥️
@DemonicSniper01 We still do this for the kids. One year I was tasked with doing it and just threw the eggs anywhere. parents were mad when their kids were in thorn bushes trying to get eggs. Whoops.
@PunCass1 🤣
@Old_Fat_Gamer Best mom ever