Seeing a lot of questions regarding next major version for console:
Chronicles build will be submitted on the 21st of March so we can expect it towards the end of March. Will include:
🔹Flyer speed changes for unofficials 🔹Cryopod UI fancying up 🔹Skiff balance
(and more)
About to push a client and server update to PC.
This includes some nice balance to skiffs when they pick up an enemy dino or player (yes, it's a small nerf)
Exploit fixes: a mesh method and a cheeky turret-related exploit.
No more exploit detail as it's not yet on console
@thedarthsoul @TiiaAurora @survivetheark
@DevilChild06660 @survivetheark @ZenRowe @NotDollie Can you delete plz? 😂
@DevilChild06660 @survivetheark @ZenRowe @ComplexMinded I miss the time when I hadn't seen this
@TimStr8Juggin Most eyes are on Gen2 right now
@Stealth40k: This came across my feed on Linkedin, and even though it is two days old, it is worth sharing.
@PepperJC @Sharpeyetwitch I can respect it.
@Sharpeyetwitch @PepperJC Glad we can all see eye to eye
@Jade_Playsgames Grats!
@zzzzzunit Yes, you were included too, unfortunately.
@UwereAmonkey @CHipZz_Gaming @survivetheark @NotDollie @MADD_CZAR @Gamer_Mom23 @meep_bunny @DrSQLab1 @sefiroultima @TLC_138 Gonna check this out later
@TheVTran This is so true. And mainly why I try and follow so many CM's.
@DevilChild06660 Yep, let me see if I can get someone to reach out to you first.
@DevilChild06660 I'm going to pass your request onto our level design area. I'll let you know when/if I hear anything. Thanks for the reminder.
@KaiserTrajan87 Much love
@DevilChild06660 I remembered you were supposed to remind me on a question but I don't remember what the question was. Funny how memory works
@JoeyDriver4 Give it 5 minutes and notes will be updated.
@SyntacYT I haven't seen his stuff. Link?