@Raasclark You two have no right being this cute 😠
@N4GERACS @SyntacYT Agreed.
@N4GERACS @SyntacYT Mainly joking. If I was THAT concerned I would have one right now.
@AaronLongstaff1 @Dododex Woah we can't turn this into an ARK 2 reveal now. My job can't handle it lol
@Phrog352 @Dododex No refunds! 😏🤣
@WhoIsEmmaAdams @Dododex If I'm being honest I also prefer the first-person experience when it comes to ARK but there is something pretty cool and magical about what's happening and what the new experience will allow us to do gameplay-wise.
I can't wait until you all see more!
@Dododex It's a different experience but it doesn't mean it's going to be one you won't enjoy. I encourage you to keep your minds open 🙏🏿
Seeing some gameplay footage may change your mind. I know it helped sell the concept to me.
@hyperpanda079 @survivetheark @NotDollie They were just updated. Client fix for a crash.
@Kek_Montag @SyntacYT
@shoetrax @SyntacYT or pay 8$
@SyntacYT That's cool and all but did you know I can get a fancy blue checkmark like you too now?
@BAMsPG @survivetheark Dope, now sync a music track to it!
@Raasclark You can tell she also knows the core ARK experience "Is this supposed to kill us?"
@Raasclark This was so cute!!! I found some missing emotions that have been dormant for so many years!
@Raasclark: Young Explorer Plays ARK: Dino Discovery
#playARK #ARKSurvivalEvolved #playARKSwitch #DinoDiscover…
@iamBrandonTV: Well now you can tell if someone earned a check mark or bought it. 🤣 Not Twitter calling folks out
@Raasclark @tilouARK 👀
@PlayARKSwitch: ARK: Dinosaur Discovery is available now worldwide on the Nintendo eShop, and free for owners of ARK: Ultimate Survivor…
@TiiaAurora I love this! Please let me know if I can be of help with the article 🤍
Here are a few I don't think I've seen mentioned yet
@Mayichii @Delight_InGame @BelleOnTwitch @ElleSproutTw @MedusaGeek @JessicaBennettB (18+)
@ConquestCup: We are back with a new challenge! Give @NaturalCauzes a warm Welcome as our host & creator for this year’s Conquest Cup:…