@AlexJoh24482783 Good luck my friend
@barrington_tm Goblin
@HologramDream I say that because I wouldn't expect someone to take an international trip without their SO. Being a lead of a company I think I would have that understanding and not offer the trip if I couldn't offer it for SO's as well. If it's a matter of cost, offer to pay 50% or something
@HologramDream That's quite different. I believe the company should leave the offer open if it's that type of trip.
@ARK95347475 They aren't anymore 😞
@HologramDream Oh.
@gstaffinfection @arCtyC 0/15
@HologramDream Honestly, to me it makes sense. But I'm starting to wonder if I'm still human.
@Nightnight60 Turned out great ♥️
@NuraSanan We are trying to fix it like every other company that is attacked - with manpower. It's an every day fight. DDOS will never FULLY go away until people stop attacking the servers. Until then, we hit it with a hammer. For all the attacks you see, there's lots that are stopped
@SyntheticSolit1 It's not safe to consume that much beef in one sitting I'm sure.
@xTH44x 🤤
@Xbox_InMy_Veins In time....
@Aurynrising I'm serious. I know a fun crew when I see it. And I saw some good vibes.
The manager replied "He's paying for it isn't he" and shrugged him off
@Aurynrising Yo, when I make it down that way I EXPECT a party invite!
@TheEllisha I'll keep it a secret :)
Lots of questions about the burger. The place is called Fat Burger. This was a 9-patty burger. I'm not sure they offer it anymore. When I requested it, he thought it was a joke and had to check with the manager.
@TheEllisha That full booth was sweet. Lot's of ARK on display.