@TheEllisha Im sure I do, I'll have to dig them out some time
@WhoseBacon I'm proud of you.
@TheEllisha One was at Paris Games Week. The other was at TwitchCon in San Fran. I've also had the luxury of going to TGS (Tokyo Game Show)
@Provokatze23 Thems fighting words
@hunterrice_12 😆
@hunterrice_12 F
@hunterrice_12 Do you have a Fat Burger near you?
@Aurelia0508 That is the plan!
@TheEllisha 😅
@itsKongming It's at a place called Fat Burger
@TheEllisha Whatever ~1600 hours converts to. Just a baby
ARK is life. ARK and protein.
Without downloading new pics, what’s it like dating you? Exciting right 🤣
@Pocho36599162: 出力&サポート材除去 結構ディテール出てる 光造形と比較もしてみたいな #ArkSurvivalEvolved
@woggystyle @DragonpunkGame @survivetheark @NotDollie As a mod potentially.
@JolenePaul15 Hmmm
@Christi15017588 🦃
@Pocho36599162 @survivetheark 🤤