@Rodneypeterso @FreelanceRobert @Dr__Steelhammer You can be toxic on Twitter. I'm just saying don't expect companies to allow it. People can be mad. How is it so hard to understand that being mad doesn't mean you have to be toxic.
@EricThehysteric I think I've said I understand why people get upset or mad. I've only said that there are better ways to voice that rather than being vulgar, offensive, or abusive. I'm not trying to rob anyone of their anger.
@EricThehysteric I don't see bugs in the game as 'abuse'. If you have information about someone on the team being insulting let me know. Feeling insulted is different than verbally being insulted.
You can feel insulted about anything.
@Souls04888075 I felt that 🤜🏿
@Souls04888075 Not fun at all. But you can find something to do fun in that time :)
@McfarlaneBenny Still waiting to get clarification. I'll let you know as soon as I can.
@TimTurbo3000 Oh, I understand. I get angry too. I'm just simply saying that doesn't make it OK to be abusive or insult. You can let someone know you're mad without being toxic just by using different words.
@musgo_the Thanks, whoops!
@httpsmisery Trying to get some clarification on that.
@WhoIsEmmaAdams I remember some of your earlier tweets haha. Kudos
@musgo_the They are.
I do want to add that I do think we've built a healthier community over the past couple of years. Sure there is more work to do (the community and us) but we've made some good strides.
Let's keep it moving!
@Hanna_Otter 😎I need to check with the team before I can confirm.
@Terra_Ark This is another reason to try and rid your community of this type of toxicity. It scares away people that have honest intentions.
Felt the need to clarify since some people may be nervous of being censored/muted/blocked.
Criticism is fair, negative feedback is fair. When things become about the person, and not the game - it's toxic.
Walk into any place of business being irate - you will be seen out.
Companies on Twitter have that same right. They don't have to put up with abuse or insults. You being the customer doesn't give you that 'right'.
There are plenty of ways to voice frustration in a way that isn't abusive. First tip: Try not to make it personal.
@k_kris2003 I don't have the answer to that. I'm seeking clarification. I don't want to misspeak.
@yourpalshade It will be included in this update.
@FreyaCrow I hope you understand this is their department and operate based on their guidelines and procedures. There's little I can do in these scenarios to assist with your issue specifically. What I can do is try to raise it as a general concern im seeing in the community.