Are you looking for a new server to start your Crystal Isles experience on? Well, you're in luck, we've just launched new console servers! You can find them by filtering by Crystal Isles and day.
@AndyLunique All the best for your next endeavours and following your heart, Andy.
@Kristina_Taber Oh I don't think so but thank you for the kind words 🖤
I don't get into kinky sh*t with people who use a second person possessive adjective when they mean a contraction of "you are".
My partner's grammar is on point yo, I'm good.
@BertxMacklin we have a bunch of new servers launching and some of them will fill out that cluster
@traders_us You're evil.
I dig it
@NotDollie Respawning to get pick engram does NOT work fyi. Accessing supply drops and obliesk does. But only til you die then it will disappear again. Frustrating
@XSgtStretchX Mhh interesting. Thank you
@Mazzah13 We'll be adding a few Legacy PS4 CI servers soon
@Skittlis @XxMayhemxX43
Fixes we're iterating on post-CI console launch:
🌳the PS4 specific haunted tree crash (F U again tree) 🐉Crystal Wyvern transfers (oops) 🤷♀️The stone pick engram (dying is a bandaid fix for now)
Thank you for your reports! Overall, pretty smooth launch huh? Proud of the team.
@LittlegamerMiss @what_the_fvck
@kingchris2806 you'll need to file a ticket.
@hirogun8 There's a tree that's causing blue screens. I'm pretty sure that's the issue here.
@zzzzzunit @playnewworld You trying to tribe up?
@zzzzzunit @JayMoney209 @playnewworld @NotDollie A fix is in the works but it's unlikely it will land within the next 16 hours.
@ramall_0819 @survivetheark ♥️
@ramall_0819: #Ark #Ark建築 #ps4 #playArk @survivetheark ピサの斜塔を作ってみた! 案外上手く出来た気がするw
The team is working on a patch for issues with crystal wyvern transfers, blue screens resulting from harvesting trees. No ETA on the patch at the moment, we'll keep you updated.