@UpFromTheDepths @survivetheark Wait when!?
Kidding. It honestly means so much to me when we can hire from the community of people that are passionate about ARK.
Welcome aboard buddy. Now I have to put you on watch for leaks 🔍😂
@ArkPlay42687937 Not it
@PeelySupreme This almost made me quit
@Markbrandel You know what. This might be your Merry Christmas Brandel
@xSerenity78x Cool!
@Stea1thyPick1e What's your number one pick?
Hiring, Planning... I've just been a little busy.
Anything you all want to see us do for ExtraLife? Did you all like the 'snacks from around the world we did last year?
Can't promise a spider will be eaten again!
@Titanstorm01 @AkazaPain @survivetheark I mean there is one in the promo picture for ARK 2 😏
@Aurynrising Glad to see you're still out in Twitter world
@ComplexMinded 💫spoilers but vibes💫
@NotDollie Spoilers
Woah I haven't tweeted since Sep 26th?
so I made a mood board purely for my own satisfaction when i was choosing colours for the upcoming fear evolved
@AkazaPain @survivetheark In this coming crunch
@kimsokol: I'm not sure if non-artists understand what a wizard he really was; this just... this isn't how you draw. His work would be…
@NotSoLittleC My thoughts are with you and yours at this trying time 🥀
@_TechJess f*cking lol