Xbox and Win10 Survivors,
Our deployment to bring the official Xbox network online has commenced. Please allow some time for servers to spool up
This deployment includes the roll back to the nearest viable save
Win10 users will be unable to connect until we can update client
@codigoalex_ @survivetheark proud of you and grateful to have you on the team
@silverFox_Ark: 私ごとで恐縮ですがArkを通じて@ararechan0215 さんとお付き合いすることとなりました!
「別れて気まずくなるだけだろw」「うぇっw」 という期待を裏切れるようリアルメイトブーストを付けて頑張ります🙃
@silverFox_Ark @ararechan0215 Awwww the best mate boost 🥺
We wish you both the best 💫
@Hoodie_Milly @MibbeCakes @J0K3R_GaNg @survivetheark What streamers? What are you talking about
@thoughtrise 🤝
@cale_brody @survivetheark Hanging? What is wrong with you
@J0K3R_GaNg @survivetheark Yeah I know, it sucks. Overall for the best but it was a hard pill for us to swallow too 😪
A message for our Xbox and Win10 Survivors
@survivetheark if you have been affected by the issue, please lodge an enforcement ticket so our GM's can investigate and flag your server to engineers for a potential rollback to a previous save
we'll get through this! aaaaa
We have temporarily disabled the connection of UWP users on our official network in order to mitigate an issue with authentication whilst we continue to work on the fix.
Apologies to our Win10 players who will be affected by this, we hope to have a resolution soon.
@NotDollie: Xbox and Win10 players
We are working with urgency to address the vulnerability affecting tribes and accounts.
Hopefully w…
Xbox and Win10 players
Hopefully we will have an update for you soon. Hang in there
@ark_cyrus: after joining the ark discord and seeing how many people wanted a bob chibi, i decided to make one lol. @ComplexMinded @sur…
@Geminaly: Meiying #arkart #survivetheark #ARKSurvivalEvolved
Community Crunch 332: Community Corner and More!
@WolfTek7: "A very spicy situation"
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@falco_luna: TEKレックス誕生‼️ #ARKSurvivalEvolved #ARK #ARKart #イラスト #私も誕生日