Thanks, I hate it.
Small Tribes, Apocalypse and Conquest rates have been adjusted. The correct rates will be in effect in about 30 minutes, no need to restart.
@ThroxxED @ComplexMinded Oh no...eta. It's looking like the end of the month as the programmers are finishing up a couple of the tasks whilst QA bangs on it. Opting to give some extra time for testing😊
@ThroxxED @ComplexMinded yeah Throxx, get gud!
Doing some maturation tweaking in the upcoming QoL/balance patch. That will be first pass, next iteration, I'll look at feeding intervals to reduce the tedium. I think there are ways we can improve it outside of slapping 2x on which is detrimental to perf.
@SyntacYT How much will you pay me to read your DM though? 😅
@ThroxxED Most of our QA team, @NotDollie, quite a few people.
@ComplexMinded: Good morning!
Rates will go to 2x for taming, XP, and harvesting following the event. All other rates will go back to…
@_jesselaw @survivetheark People like being special. This is seen in all types of games with cosmetics which is essentially what this is - a cosmetic change.
@SethWilks4 @expectscience People have been saying that for years :) Good luck to all survival games - it's a wide genre, enough for more than one game to be healthy.
@SethWilks4 @expectscience You'll find out soon enough ;)
Talked to the team, Summer Bash should wrap up around 5PST tomorrow.🌞
@sam_stimo: *New* Japanese style castle - no mods (Speed Build)
Built on a floating island on the awesome cryst…
@WhoIsEmmaAdams Discussions :)
@NuraSanan @ArkGamerGal @MueckeAnderz
It's OK to disagree and still walk away with mutual respect at a human level. Often the things we disagree on are subjective anyway when it comes to a grand definition. It's OK to disagree and still be cool. #PositiveVibes
@TherealMerodach @NuraSanan "Wish in one hand, poop in the other, see which one fills up first."
@R0B0K0PP "We want to be heard" -Hears community- "That's not what we want!!!" You cant win lol.
@GiovanniPastino Actually none. I think people know I'm a boss and they can't kill these positive vibes. /s Just because we don't do something doesn't mean we wouldn't like to.
@Narwhal74990827 5PST
@NuraSanan @MueckeAnderz "Better" is a subjective word and means something different to you, other gamers, myself, and the owners of the company. Creating a game is the act of balancing all those ideas of what a "better" game is.
@AndySleiva I have answered this, but yes it is :)