@Karil_Votek @lookjoey1 @ComplexMinded You seem to be assuming that's it for raiding balance. It was just one teaser.
@weespencey @Nosidamxo @SaigeGames Yes
@Nosidamxo @weespencey @SaigeGames
@weespencey @SaigeGames @Nosidamxo I gotchu bb
@lookjoey1 @ComplexMinded Sure, I believe the amount of ele players can obtain since Extinction, Gacha farms and now, Gen ele farm, has thrown it out of balance as an 'end game" resource. Shards too ez.
Also, tanking out 1 TEK turret for 30-45 min whilst healing through it with cakes is boring gameplay.
@weespencey @SaigeGames @Nosidamxo I said shards. Not dmg bruh. Protip: walk a Theri under a Megachelon's back legs
@lookjoey1 @weespencey @SaigeGames @Nosidamxo Heavies also wreck players 😁
@Old_Fat_Gamer It's a beautiful full circle 🖤
@weespencey @SaigeGames @Nosidamxo 13k hours on official pvp. I rely on our awesome PvE players and colleagues for PvE specific feedback. If you tell me you're not swimming in ele shards since Ext and now, Gen, imma say you're telling me lies 😋
@SaigeGames @Nosidamxo I think I'd be doing my job very poorly if I weren't aware of that 😉
@WhoseBacon FITE ME
@yungremisimp Not yet, this one just includes some random dino love.
@Nosidamxo Ab So Lute Ly
@Lilrobo16 I'll use it in a sentence and provide a helpful gif. "I bopped them".
You asked for hints as to what's in the upcoming balance and QoL update and I like to torment you so...
TEK turrets bopped a lil Increases on some spoil timers Extended time on races on console STOP YELLING ABOUT IT Dino love No more bby wander!
That's it. That's the leak 💧
@tazman1983 Try my username at gmail 😉
My point: No service is immune to DDOS. It's a worldwide (serious) problem that takes a lot of resources to mitigate.
Jokes people.. jokes.. But there is something serious going on.