So now that I've fixed my smoke detector, can anyone send a 12hr video that has the low battery sound chirp?
I miss it 😥.
Enjoy the rest of your Monday peeps! ✌🏿 There will likely be a few minor patches (meat conversion, stability) before we go into the weekend.
@BlaizeNightfyre In the works.
@nova_fox13 @survivetheark Looking sweet!
@nova_fox13: I got lucky and found some event Gachas 😁😁😁 #ARK #ARKSurvivalEvolved #playARK
@EricThehysteric @ComplexMinded @David_4713 @survivetheark Hi. Hello. Welcome to game dev 👋
@EricThehysteric @David_4713 @survivetheark @NotDollie Mistakes should never happen but they do. That's why they're called mistakes. But you're right, they shouldn't happen.
@Matt10303527 @ToniWil57851091 @ZenRowe Meaning it will remain that way.
@Matt10303527 @ToniWil57851091 @ZenRowe It's intended.
@ToniWil57851091 @ZenRowe Intended
Just heard, there are fixes coming for the event meat conversion. I don't have an exact ETA but it should be this week. Otherwise, we're trying to keep updates light/minimal so you can enjoy the event.
@ComplexMinded @David_4713 @survivetheark
@David_4713 @survivetheark @NotDollie @NotDollie <3 <--- hero
@K9Shadow19 We're still waiting to hear back.
@ComplexMinded: Summer is never long enough right? Agreed!
We're extending our Summer Bash event an extra week! You have until July 2…
Summer is never long enough right? Agreed!
We're extending our Summer Bash event an extra week! You have until July 21st to kick back and relax in the summer sun. ☀ Break out the BBQ and Hawaiian-themed shirts!
@windxiv Good suggestion.
@Sample_HLNA @thelilpanda Right!
@Ag888Hugo @thelilpanda I can't answer that, the most I can do is ask what the team sees about it.
@thelilpanda OK, I didn't fix it yet. I HAVE A SOLUTION THOUGH!
@PrimPlusPeppy I agree