@seanedits @Jatheish Hey, I just wanted to let you know I didn't mute you. Not sure what gave you that impression.
We'll be rolling out a server-side patch to adjust the jerky cost of Chibis/emotes etc in the near future. Our focus right now is pushing through these server stability fixes.
PS4 next.
Thank you for your patience, it's been a hell of a few days for both you and us.
@_EstreetLonger_ @survivetheark That is the cutest thing
@mr_nachooo @survivetheark
Console Survivors,
Xbox: v800.18 has passed certification and has been pushed live. Please restart your applications/consoles to download the patch. This should resolve crashes that were introduced with the release of the Summer Bash event.
PS4: The fix is currently in cert.
It seems we may have some good news, pending final confirmation. I'll share info from @survivetheark shortly.
@amberhilber1 @survivetheark Us having a weekend off. I laughed.
@FifaWondaHD No more rollbacks
@NotDollie: We've identified the crash on consoles and have verified a fix. Unfortunately due to it being a weekend, the earliest we are…
Apologies, guys. Thank you for hanging in there. To reiterate, we'll be extending the event as a gesture towards the community.
We've identified the crash on consoles and have verified a fix. Unfortunately due to it being a weekend, the earliest we are able to get the update through platform certification will be Monday morning.
@SunShineMariah @Jatheish @ComplexMinded If you haven't updated, you will need both the client and server patch. Also, you will need to rollback ie: load the last savefile you have from before the event patch.
We see players reporting crashes on Xbox post-client patch. We're continuing to investigate.
Going to recharge but the team is still hard at work on PS4. The main account will have any significant updates in the meantime.
I'll check in on ya tomorrow. ✌🏿
@RobertGrillo13 I saw it.
We've pushed an XBOX update that fixes invisible creatures, connection issues, crashes, and other issues you may be seeing related to the Summer Bash deployment. It's available to download now.
We're currently working on releasing an update for PS4.
One this all gets confirmed, an official update will go out from the main account.
Finally, some good news.
It's still quiet on the homefront (in terms of hearing back from certification).
The later it gets, the less it is a reality for an update tonight. Just being honest peeps. But we will keep pushing!
@hrtskll Been hitting that why protein!