@Renobandstit Make sure you wait for the flash!
Look right here......
If you're playing Single Player on console, please do not load up your save whilst we work through…
If you're playing Single Player on console, please do not load up your save whilst we work through this issue. You may lose all of your data.
We're aware of the issue with character models, gang, we'll pivot to that once we've fixed the issue with Ab dinos.
@NotDollie: We will be temporarily disabling transfers on console as we investigate an issue related to Aberration variant dinos. Hang t…
We will be temporarily disabling transfers on console as we investigate an issue related to Aberration variant dinos. Hang tight, team.
@AuraNyxe @ComplexMinded @survivetheark are you on a genesis server? If not, which please?
@mr_nachooo Platform?
@Joey2101 @survivetheark @NotDollie Its being looked into.
@AuraNyxe @ComplexMinded @survivetheark Official?
@ImVeNuzZ @Nightnight60 It will :)
@Derek_Haydt @ImEnFuego Which platform are you on please
@AuraNyxe @ComplexMinded @survivetheark Which platform please
@Nightnight60 @ImVeNuzZ Just you wait. Ultimate THIC'ness
@aittigrine Wait
@CosmicMeridian @survivetheark I hope not. Could please relog and tell me if it persists
@ImVeNuzZ Looking healthy!
@NathanC70970109 I'm not liking this either, Nathan. We're looking into it.