@MisterMayhem7 ahhhh, I'll get on it as soon as I'm able. It's coming, I assure you
@Sample_HLNA @ComplexMinded We really tried to get the changes in via .ini but, unfortunately, it was too risky :(
@cheriemills1213 Check for updates. I've seen success on XBOX and PS4
@SargeraMC Checking
@Ag888Hugo @NotDollie @Jade_Playsgames @Tascharoe
@xZombieCakes @xskullxsoldier Sucks :(
@MisterMayhem7 what happened bb?
@NotDollie @Jade_Playsgames @Tascharoe It was a solid play though... 9/10
@Jade_Playsgames @Tascharoe @ComplexMinded I see you attempting to make me nudge Natascha for you, Jade. Nice try m8.
@Sample_HLNA @ComplexMinded It will be a server update. Wheee more deployments! \o/
@Pablo_GRS later
@ComplexMinded 1pm on the dot for me! Thank you again for all the hard work!
So in the future, can I at least have 30 minutes pretty please ♥️
@oOoreckaoOo YAY!
"Where's the update? It's 1PM on the DOT!" Something about updates (specifically for console). They are scheduled to go live at a specific time.
That precise time can vary depending on publishing systems that do the magic to get this to your console.
It should be live :)
@Leutian Yes, but always check here first:
@myntjies @ImBullieZ Predicting these to the exact minute is impossible. They move through external systems to publish (MS,PS4). Depending on the traffic going through the network (including other games) it may take a little while to actually show up on your console
@Sample_HLNA @NotDollie I believe client. We'll know more soon.
@dr3w1337 It's hard to tell, these updates move through external systems when publishing (ones that we have no control over). Almost impossible to predict the exact time.
@dr3w1337 It's coming!