@whambambigelow Tough call. As an ex-player, I love Gigas for that dps. From an overall perspective, I'd say it's a tie between the Ferox and the OG Rex (I want to give Rex some balance love to bring it out of predominantly being viable only in bossfights soon)
Setting live in a few.
@TheVTran: this was originally going to go on the studio account but I decided it was too bitter so here you go
@BlkLoganPaul This was a rollercoaster
@hotrod307w Our patches over the past few weeks have been primarily focused on bug and exploit fixes, crash fixes...along with other things like server hardware upgrades, better third party software heuristics for crossplay servers and refining the mesh detection system over the past month
@MWhitehead98 @GamerPerfection @blackmage2015 We are. I'll share more info on it soon
@LsQs_DuB The patch note was added to the current section. It's a big crash fix
@mawf*ckahunter For Xbox? An important crash fix. Thank you, you too!
@84AndiMan @blackmage2015 Crash fix
@RobinHoodPvP @blackmage2015 haha true true. I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack 😔
@UK0consoles @blackmage2015 I don't understand your tweet
@NotDollie: @blackmage2015 Yup, finishing it up fuelled by Mother Epic Swell apple energy drink. I expect to post it in abouttttt 8 or 9…
@Matt10303527 @blackmage2015 Matt. No
@blackmage2015 Yup, finishing it up fuelled by Mother Epic Swell apple energy drink. I expect to post it in abouttttt 8 or 9 hours
@tha_rami 🤤
@gameism: I don’t know who needs to see this, but my buddy John got a babby Yoda and served it some chicky nuggies.
@Jade_Playsgames True true, I'll follow up and see where we are with that.
@xZombieCakes Come equipped with a cup of tea and a snack, I talk a lot when it comes to communication with players! Dusting off our old CM boots for a CC has been great.
Ok team, the Crunch will be landing Monday. I know, I mentioned that I'd like to post it today but we'd like this CC to be really informative and our own roles along with covering Community Manager stuff at the moment is a juggling act for myself and Jat. It'll be big, promise 🖤