@JulieTracy @absrdlyobfscatd Is this still happening for you right now? Please test and let me know
@NerdOutMusic: New song for @survivetheark for the Genesis DLC Check it out here:
@Tredmil21 @JohnHar58902144 Yay \o/
@JohnHar58902144 @Tredmil21 Is this still an issue for you?
@absrdlyobfscatd @JulieTracy Is this still an issue for you? Not repro'ing for us
@JonVerdeMoo Is this still an issue for you? Tested okay for us just now.
@smearysword866 @Missfuzzball93 Wishing your grandma the best.
@Missfuzzball93 My sympathy to you and your family
Plus some sneaky fixes to exploits. We've also made good progress on mesh biting and I expect we'll have that ready for next week. Along with fixes for reapers, ferox and more.
Take care out there and let your loved ones know they're special to you. Later guys o/
Okay team, three people at the Studio lost family members to Corona over the past couple of days and it's feeling too sombre for 60 sec patch notes.
Today's patch: fixes to event colour spawns and invis creatures, implementation of new tech re: cheating on Win10/Crossplay,
@Sumguyonabike @Vincent45944985 Lay off people on my timeline or I'll block you so they don't have to deal with it
@theloveofark @Skarlsen09 Mhmm, this response is a perfect example of why I feel inclined to work on a post 🙂
I'll do so soon around regular work, this weekend perhaps!
@Dread_Archon @ComplexMinded @survivetheark Yes, looking into it
@OpticalVision2 @Skarlsen09 Hmmm I understand and that really sucks but...
extending the 4x event that puts extra load on the servers and affects performance, particulary memory doesn't seem ideal
@MellPepper @ComplexMinded Yeah I'm sure it's annoying. Fix for that coming through with the deployment in the morning (EST)
@AleshiaDowns okay, there was an issue with the cook and it's going to safer to recook and deploy in the morning. Sorry guys, we want these fixes in too but risking other issues with rushing this is something we don't want to do to you all.
@Skarlsen09 We do but large DDoS attacks in 2020 can't be completely stopped.
By any mitigation, Company or Government.
I see these types of questions from players a lot lately. I think I'll put a post together, as discussing this will take more than a tweet or two!
@AleshiaDowns A fix will be going out in tonight's deployment (so far so good on that anyway ;) )
@Sumguyonabike This is my personal account and I'm not a CM. I choose to interact with and update players here because I like to be communicative and I like our players. About hmm once a month? I post something completely unrelated when I'm not working.
How about you unfollow this acc