@oo7GodsGamer I believe it is. I'll try and confirm.
@oneamandolin @AvionLukas Go you!!!!
@TheJakeNeal 10am PST. Go back to bed 😂
@oneamandolin @AvionLukas Isn't it? 🤮
@whambambigelow @EricThehysteric @KacieJ1318 @BertxMacklin That wasn't harsh, was it? I didn't mean it to be. Just trying to help people communicate in a healthy way.
@EricThehysteric @KacieJ1318 @BertxMacklin Another wat to approach this without broad assumptions "Hey Ced, I know on unofficials we can extend easily, how is this different in this context". Don't assume you have the answers if you don't. Ask leading questions.
@PinkBubbblez I'm real enough to say that these are legit issues and things you should consider. But I'm also crazy enough to say while it won't be a perfect experience, I believe people will get their money's "worth" out of it. It all depends on what expectations you have for it.
@PinkBubbblez That's not a question I can answer for you. I can understand where you're coming from. A lot of my posts may come off like sales but I'm not a salesman. I can understand if people want to move on, I'm just simply here for the people that are staying.
@HighFlyer_15 Nope, but I'll keep fighting
@EricThehysteric @KacieJ1318 @BertxMacklin I could enlighten you on this. Unofficials aren't dealing with deployments that go through third parties like Sony. Ones that dictate when one patch ends and the next begins. Unofficials also don't have certification processes that are all about dates and schedules.
@AvionLukas Credit to my employers for letting me be this wacky and authentic on Twitter lol. I think it makes a difference. I think lots of companies are stuck in the corporate messaging of community management. Not my style!
@zjn0152 At one point there was talk of making P+ open source for the community.
@Not_Labeled1996 Yep, we all swam to work in pools of money.
@stirrat_luke @Jade_Playsgames Trust me, it will be a priority to get fixed. There will be few priorities that come before it (at the moment).
@zjn0152 Resources. You have to commit resources to fix where it's at now. And given everything that's on our plate - there haven't been resources dedicated to it.
@stirrat_luke @Jade_Playsgames Here's a hint about development. You can't really give a legit ETA until it's at least fixed or you know EXACTLY how to fix it. You have to find out where the problem is and fix that (which is hard to predict).
@zzzzzunit bro
@stirrat_luke @Jade_Playsgames This is back on the priority list once we clear the Genesis launch.