@Jade_Playsgames 100% deployed. In discussions about decay - I've raised the issue.
@Official_Bastex @smc101_ @zzzzzunit ARK is dead!
@Snowball731 We're planning on 10AM PST
@Jade_Playsgames I think we all agree. It's not something we wanted on our side and not something we anticipated/expected. Technically the patch tested clean for PS4. The last build before deployment had a content merge error and it wasn't caught in the smoke test before deployment.
@HarryWoodhams Heard!
@Reina_Yosh*ta It'll be fixed on 2/25. It was the earliest they could get a patch out with the impending Genesis patch on 2/25.
@ladyteruki We were really close to doing this last year. I hope it is something that we can showcase more of.
@Nosidamxo That will be fixed with the upcoming Genesis launch.
"How can Ced get on Twitter, be positive, and upbeat when he knows we have all these issues!?" Because I see the work and effort being put in on the other side. Everyone wants the same thing - the best ARK. 2/25 #Genesis
@zzzzzunit Should we just start a countdown timer now?
@KacieJ1318 @BertxMacklin Its ok. People don't understand how builds (versions) are updated and shuffled. I'm sure everyone thinks you just click a checkbox and extend. It's easy, right?
@Ry0u_sh1n So we aren't acknowledging valid points? The point we were talking about was if progress was being made and what my influence was in it. I made a point, you deflected. Have a good one
@EricV936 @Ry0u_sh1n Someone gets it :)
@Ry0u_sh1n Meshing?
@Ry0u_sh1n I think what we are seeing is things arent happening at an expected pace. People expect certain things to be fixed in a certain amount of time. Progress is being made. Maybe not as fast as expected. But it's progress
@Ry0u_sh1n Whether you agree or not I have and will continue to be that difference. I don't need to mention specifics but I hear your point and agree. One person can make a difference. It just didn't happen today
@Ry0u_sh1n That's not what you're asking for though. You're asking for my word to be taken as gospel and for them to act on it. And that isn't how the game industry works. I'm in meetings about this stuff daily, sometimes hourly
@Ry0u_sh1n You still seem to be unable to distinguish an individual's influence from an entire company. I see your points, and I'm doing what I can within MY power to resolve them as a community manager. And speaking for the company I know they want these things resolved.
@Ry0u_sh1n And that's the expectation of me or the company? I know I represent the company but not in terms of ownership. I'm doing what I can in terms of what my role and influence is.