Seacrest out! (Side note - we'll try to do these live update threads more often when doing deployments like this)
@kaysilverb3 ABSOLUTE worse would be Friday. But we all expect to before then and are crossing our fingers for tomorrow.
Trying to rush the PS4 update out today whenever its available to publish is an unnecessary risk to take - all things considered. Console players, we'll try again tomorrow! Sorry for the inconvenience!
We've hit a snag with the event patch and won't be able to deploy the event content to consoles today. Our apologies! We'll keep you updated and provide ETA's when possible!
@JoePerna4 Welcome to Twitter!
@AFinley486 @angelo_lvb It did pass certification. This was an issue that popped up when deploying these to the official console networks
@mgdawg1 @nobodytocare @Stix Im open for ideas :)
@dragonsbeauty @survivetheark
@pr0fe5s0r @thelilpanda The content hasn't made it to XBOX yet. Just the event rates.
@JoshGingerich Yes, should be active on all platforms
@13Twenty We started the game on XBOX?
@angelo_lvb Buying different platforms gives you different advantages/disadvantages. IE Earlier updates or completely different games. Our intent is not to fraction the release up like this but in this case, it doesnt make sense to sit on content that's ready to go out because it's "fair".
@angelo_lvb The truth of the matter is that all these platforms aren't equal in terms of actual development. I'm still waiting for Red Dead on PC. Because there's no cert process, PC allows us to eliminate some of the things that thousands of players will see before your small QA team.
@empire_nexus Just threw it in the patch notes -ActiveEvent=Summer
@ninjadragonkllr I said it would need to re-enter cert not that it had already. I also said I was hoping it could be expedited (the cert process)
Patch notes for PC are up on STA. XBOX will be re-entering cert shortly. Still waiting for the PS4 update to allow us to publish. Hopefully soon.
@LIRIK But you can always make it a good one ;)
@wikumos -ActiveEvent=Summer
Also got word that we're going to start the rates on console in advance of the actual patch. Should be about 10 min. Thanks @thelilpanda!