@XxgermaniacoxX It's possible :)
@TvD_1992 I'll never debate good and valid points. Thanks for your feedback
@TvD_1992 The same players that come in could equal the same number that you lost. It's a decision that needs to be thought out.
@TvD_1992 Maybe wiping at some cadence is the answer - not sure yet. But we do realize that keeping the game 'fresh' after 4 years and people have invested thousands of hours is a thing we need to be mindful of. Anytime you even mention a wipe you run the risk of losing players
@TvD_1992 So just opening new servers isn't the answer. We wipe and then we'll just need to repeat the cycle in x months to prevent the same Megatribes to even the playing field.
@TvD_1992 Some valid points but there is no even playing field in PVP. More time and more people will always have an advantage. We could launch fresh servers and within a few days people would be maxed and anyone who joins the next day will be getting C4 raided if a tribe is big enough
@diaz012682 @supaciv @AngelicVix3n Good feedback. Realistically speaking it does lengthen the process but can be really fruitful. We've done something similar with Homestead in the past
@MATTHEW37435815 You know any? We're always hiring :)
@2KShowoff @evnotini There aren't.
@InfamyFive0 @itzCloudz_ @survivetheark
Update concerning specified Classic PvP servers:
@TadeSpeed101 PC is just easier and quicker to develop for in most cases. Most games that are multi-platform start development on PC and port over to console. Not the other way around. So the work is complete on PC first.
@Joltz_The_Gamer @survivetheark I mean we could give an exact date but I think we all know how that goes. Not using specific dates was something the community asked for.
@MolarBearr It is still on the table :)
@ClockworkOtaku @survivetheark For map related questions it's best to follow and ask @Nekatus. One of the original creators.
@evnotini Right now there are no plans for Classic on console. But we are in discussion on new servers/modes to include on console so I'm hoping to have more info on this soon.
@austinwafb How much? ;)