@musgo_the @JordanLaws0n @ExcitedKangaroo I may not personally be aware of a particular cheat but we do have an enforcement team that is much more knowledgable about whats going on in that area and will share info with the devs.
@Lil_Lexi 🖤
@CrizGuth @E3 I read it, but there's no immediate action I can personally take. That's more on the server technician side. But rest assured we do devote development time to improving server perf.
@sitharias @survivetheark @bubblywums Definitely gonna check this out later!
@musgo_the @JordanLaws0n @ExcitedKangaroo Interesting, thanks!
Yo, who's going to @E3 this year?
@JordanLaws0n @ExcitedKangaroo We didn't Thanos snap meshing out of existence, but we are making great progress. We have tons of data to support that. Yes, there are still mesh bases and instances where people can still mesh but we're closing down a lot of those loopholes.
The connection issues on our Official Network have been resolved. You should be able to connect again. Thank you for your patience, Survivors!
We are currently investigating connection issues on our Official Network. We will let you know when we have an update. Thank you for your patience.
@rebel_wanderer @bubblywums @survivetheark @ValorWc @genie_45 - Not guaranteeing they can do anything but they are members on our enforcement team
@Xbox_InMy_Veins @Jatheish People that make those decisions aren't hanging out on Twitter. And in general, harassment isn't an ideal way to get anything done.
@huhk01 I can ask one of the LD's (Level Designer) to take a look and see if there's something up there..
@Jatheish These cargo additions are solid!
@NlghtingaIe @2001Killer @FreakingTragedy Nope, both modes are great and offer advantages/disadvantages.
@2001Killer @NlghtingaIe @FreakingTragedy Until you realize PVE accounts for much of our playerbase (the majority actually)
@MegaMoffman @Timmerfee Every case is a little different. I'd imagine enforcement might act quickly on the clear cut cases while other cases may take more investigation.
@EricThehysteric Everything is reviewed. We know accidental vs. non accidental
@br0kn_beauty DDOS is actually a lot harder to solve than meshing. The biggest companies in the world run into similar issues. I'm not trying to make excuses but often we work with third parties on solutions for these.
@br0kn_beauty @chl81835670 Its not the 100% solution, but we have to start somewhere. And this is a really good step. In addition to this we're trying to prevent the ways people get into the mesh in the first place.