@carl_cnp @GeroldSlade I think my other answer may have covered this, but not every change was tested and typically isn't. Issues resulting from merges aren't common and are further complicated because P+ is a mod.
@carl_cnp @GeroldSlade And by regression test, I mean test every change that's slated for that build.
@carl_cnp @GeroldSlade Sanity tested, yes. This missed one of those sanity tests. These weren't the only changes in the build. We don't regression test every patch after its been signed off on by QA and built. Obviously, this is something we need to catch.
@UK0consoles Unintentional bug. The team is looking into it!
@carl_cnp @GeroldSlade If things aren't merged to the right platform build, you can still have things break after QA has checked off the build. Or if you forget to merge the changes at all. Another way a build that QA has verified can 'break'
@andieder51 On the board!
@carl_cnp @GeroldSlade To clarify what I was saying - QA tested - We merged the build to the proper platforms - Cooked - Things broke in the merge. We did load prior to release but QA (for most companies) don't QA everything again after a build has been cleared by QA
@andieder51 Industrial right?
@andieder51 Thanks for this!
@Extr3me809 Wow, you found a fossil there! Sadly, @ghazlawl did way more than I could have ever imagined doing with it.
@DutchVanLinde Looking into it! Thanks!
@koalakirsty What map?
@chris7033 What map?
@NOPE07149812 Thanks for the report!
@GeroldSlade Some things break after testing. The challenges of development
@leetchy3 It usually boils down to server perf and server lag.
@justinian21 What platform. QA confirmed they are seeing drops on XBOX official.
@leetchy3 Nope, no breeding event :(.
4 real turned into 2 real. PS4 is still having some issues with #PrimitivePlus. Investigating. Seems to be a problem with the merge/build.
@eirikurii Looks like something specific to PS4 - We're looking into it!