@Alexand25054247 If I'm not mistaken, this was originally implemented to prevent duping.
@CRCDiego506 @survivetheark It's a bug - we're working on it!
@Hill2015Hill @survivetheark We'll keep looking at data and feedback. There could be more balance tweaks coming down the line.
@jamesjames881 The thread has a lot of people that support the change and a lot that don't. These aren't changes that will please everyone, but sometimes are necessary for the balance of the game.
@x_498 We're hoping for an update next week. It's not confirmed yet though.
@papryk_ We're seeing how these changes play out - looking at data and community feedback. Not sure what the next tweaks might be at the moment - or even if more tweaks are coming.
Lots of awesome feedback! We'll do "weigh in's" more often. We made these tweaks to Mana based on community feedback and data. When data suggests it is the primary dino being used for attacking (by miles), balance tweaks are needed.
@ZoeCatfu I think what you're experiencing is the body reacting to something it doesn't normally have. This would happen with any diet where something is restricted, then you start eating it again. Hope you feel better!
@IRaisedhell Check out the patch notes. Lots of improvements in that area :)
@stewy003 These nerfs were actually a result of community feedback and data we collect on usage/damage.
Reading every comment. I'm hearing: - PVE shouldn't be affected by PVP balance - Something buggy is up with mana movement - Speed might need tweaking
@Frankie_chins It's a known issue by the dev but there isn't an ETA on it at the moment.
@ComplexMinded: Weigh in: Managarmr. How are we feeling after the patch?
Weigh in: Managarmr. How are we feeling after the patch?
@That_Bastard8 @Sean41805576 @survivetheark It's unable to equip things like pickaxes.
@Timmerfee Now that's odd! I'll look into this!
@Pro_Misfits @bubblywums Aware and testing a fix!
@quilleutezinho @bubblywums Completely understood!
@GeroldSlade We'll have to verify the fixes (in progress) before announcing times.
@HeddenBrett Yep, we're looking to get this fixed soon. QA is testing the fix. I'm hoping to have more information on this soon!