ARK Survival Evolved

ARK Survival Evolved Dev Tracker

17 Dec

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

16 Dec

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

@Gandigalf and @Dreken136

Can you check to see if it's working now, it should be. Thanks!


Originally posted by Majin_Romulus

So is that a no? The raptor pounce bug isn't gonna be fixed?

I don't have an answer currently. I don't have visibility on every issue (This one included), and right now we are trying to fry some pretty big fish. My recommendation is to look at the feedback/suggestion board Cedric had set up on the STA main site and see if it's already listed there somewhere. If it's not there, see if you can add it.


Originally posted by TheSammyKnight

You have any news on the raptor bug with them being able to pounce you off of any creature like being pounced off a wyvern is pretty silly. Thanks for the reply! :)

Yes, that it's like watching a very angry fish take out a hawk in mid-flight.

Nature is crazy, and I'm not sure that what we can simulate in a video game will ever match the level of hardcore nature can throw at us.

That's sort of news, right?


Indeed this issue is known. We caught it in time to prevent catastrophic damage on dedicated servers, but for SP and non-dedicated it still exists for the moment, we recommend putting your rexes somewhere safe until we can get the fix out to clients.


This isn't technically a bug, but it is a side-effect that wasn't necessarily part of the original objective. The drag weight change is being re-evaluated for alternative solutions to handle the intended objective without the unintended side-effects.

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

This should be resolved now after a server reboot

15 Dec


Originally posted by HammerTrollerHD

Nope, not from my experience

Yes, that was an unintended side-effect. Alternative solutions are being evaluated.


Originally posted by kazumablackwing

No mod is gonna be perfect in its first iteration though. But you mentioning WC co-opting it...that scares me. I wouldn't put it past them to pull a Bethesda, stealing a modder's concept and making their own bastardization of it... If you think false positives from rocks are bad...wait til you get nailed with a false positive on login because your character has half lagged into the floor

Wall`O`Text incoming. I got going and couldn't stop.

Most of this is based on my personal experience from when I was modding and shouldn't be taken as an official company stance.

We didn't say it couldn't be done, and we didn't say the plugin would have those problems. Cedric was giving fair warning that it could have problems like that. Trying to communicate these things in a tweet though is difficult because a larger conversation has to come in tiny pieces over a long thread which can be missed or we have to try and be reductive with what we are saying while also trying to get the core point across, we don't always succeed in the latter.

A few notes here though on some of these discussion points so far, and some things that haven't been as well:

  1. You can't copyright a concept (thankfully, or else anytime somebody tried to make a new version of something they would get slapped with legal threats, mods would ba...
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    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

Go to the Tribes section of the website in the main menu and look for tribes that are recruiting.

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

You have some valid points, I'll speak to the team about it and see if we can change things up a bit.

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

I fixed this issue a few months ago. It was working just fine, i'll see if MS have changed things again.

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for letting me know, i'll looking into it.

13 Dec

12 Dec