ARK Survival Evolved

ARK Survival Evolved Dev Tracker

21 Nov

20 Nov

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes you should be able to set it in any instance where INI settings would be accessible. Unfortunately I do not know yet if there will be a menu option to set it for console SP though.

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is actually a setting for this that will be going out. It's already in code, it just not in the live version of the game yet. I'll try to make sure Ced includes mention of the settiing in the Crunch when it actually does go out.


Originally posted by ashrid5150

And we're hiring (in case anyone was wondering)

The important question is, are you just hiring 1st line bodies or are you looking for someone to actually look at your support structure and make the neccessary process and cultural changes (and have the backing from above to make those changes)?

On top of that you probably can't afford me ;-)

We're hiring for senior positions, so people who will lead and push processes forward - not just a set of hands.

19 Nov

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys can ya let me know how it's going now? We fixed the hardware issue that was causing the current problem.

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm looking into this currently. It appears there is a hardware issue, which happened AFTER the maintenance I did last week. We'll work on getting some more info and getting this fixed up asap.

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for spotting that, fixed.

Please head over to SurviveTheARK []for the latest community post[]!
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

17 Nov


Originally posted by SlayeDraye

Dollie, I believe the obvious cause for suspicion was the fact that he was in TPG company. Had he been found by himself without a company tag, I doubt the uproar over this would have been as serious.

I do understand. He joined the Company so they could communicate exactly where they go to get the crash at their base. QA are focused on finding issues and bugs and getting a repro for them asap, not so much the community side and "what might other players think?". I also understand it would have been very disruptive if his body had been contesting or used ny players in an exploitative way.

I had a chat with him about being careful but I'm not mad, he caught a serious crash and we all make mistakes at times. Thankfully this didn't directly disrupt the game.


The account was one of our QA members repro'ing an Xbox One/Xbox One S memory crash that occurs in specific areas and causes the player to be unable to log back in afterwards. This base spot was one of those locations.

Generally our QA go into spectate before they log but the fact he successfully repro'd the crash so we can work on fixing it meant his body was left there.

15 Nov

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

558 is now back online! Please let me know if there are further issues going forward on any of these 3 servers

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

I will be taking down 558 for maintenance shortly to move it to another machine. This should resolve most of the issues you're seeing on 556-558.