ARK Survival Evolved

ARK Survival Evolved Dev Tracker

08 Sep

07 Sep


Originally posted by jamerperson

Will this work on console (xbox or ps4?)

I don't believe it is live on console yet.


Originally posted by peelmelikeapotato

Mods. Console command "clearmybuffs".

Also "cheat clearcryosickness" should wake up a currently sleeping dino that is cryosick if you're looking at it on PC.

06 Sep

05 Sep

Sponsored Mod Program Applications
Sponsored Mod Program applications are once again OPEN! If you are interested in sponsorship for your projects, please fill out the application here:
Apply For Sponsorship[]

This will be the last application period until January so make sure to get those projects in!
New Sponsored Mods
Finally, We have three new projects joining the Sponsored Mod Program today! We have a pretty interesting range of mod types this time for creatures and a utility mod for builders!

Clockwork Creatures

... Read more

Originally posted by Luckboy28

That's a fair point -- other pirate games have less ships.

I think the big difference is that the Skeleton Ships in Sea of Thieves actually have skeletons that you can fight, and there's more than one way to sink them. That adds a whole lot more gameplay/immersion than just "I shoot cannons at an empty ship."

Think about it from a PvE perspective: There's currently no such thing as raiding/boarding ships in a pirate game. If you want to swashbuckle something, you have to go on land and dig up a chest. But even that combat is clunky and unsatisfying -- which is why ATLAS combat is pretty much just a sniping game: Slowly reload gun via mini-game > Shoot once > slowly reload gun via mini-game.

It would have been cool to see a really rich move-set to allow for more detailed combat. Things like rolling, grappling, execution animations, dodges, etc, could make melee combat more engaging, and make ground combat more viable.