ARK Survival Evolved

ARK Survival Evolved Dev Tracker

30 Jul


123 only obfuscates things for players. It doesn't affect Enforcement at all. There are typically different barriers that make things difficult for us.


How do you tame it?

Jokes aside, if you take a look at the ATLAS Keyart, it is something that we've alluded to happening in the far off future -- whether that ends up being the case we'll see as plans can change, but we are certainly open to it.

Pretty cool final piece though :)

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've updated the Microsoft API. Could you check if it's working now? Thanks

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is now fixed.



Could be onto something there.

29 Jul

27 Jul


This is a plethora of useful information so a genuine thank you for the way you've presented this. A couple of things:

- There are some exploits that we rely on 3rd party partners to assist with (IE: BattleEye). In the case of the infamous "Human Lvl 135'', that character has now been banned by BattleEye and the method that was being used will be detected going forward. Exploits are always high priority but reproducing them becomes the challenge. No one wants to give away the way they are cheating and those that do usually miss key information. That's not a jab at those trying to help, it just means we spend a lot of time, days or weeks even, trying to reproduce some of these exploits.

- Sometimes there isn't a lot of information we can give you other than "we're looking into it". Other times we are radio silent because we don't want people to change their behavior. You might think, why? It gives us and teams like BattleEye a way to detect and prevent the chea...

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    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

What you're seeing is an error in the JS for the Mod Contest Countdown timer script. Nothing at all to do with the new 'mystery' countdown banner I put up. But thanks for pointing that out, i'll let Josh know he needs to fix it

26 Jul

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for letting me know, i'll look into it!