ATLAS Dev Tracker

30 Jul

    Jatheish on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Could you guys show me a copy of your most recent callstacks? You can find them this folder:


They'll be saved as the .crashstack file and you can open them in notepad, feel free to paste the contents into a and share that link back here.
    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

There really shouldn't be any problems AFAIK.. but I don't have a monitor that big to try myself

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hopefully, until we're satisfied with the state of the game

We're targetting 1.5 - 2 years though.

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yup, that'll fix it for anyone having the issue. I've marked the answer as recommended so folks won't have to scroll down this page if it gets longer. The reason for the change is because when ATLAS was first launched, it was integrated into the core game. We weren't able to set it as a DLC until Monday, as it was early Saturday morning and the system doesn't allow for it. After we changed it to an optional DLC, it requires folks to set that DLC as active in their Steam Library . Ultimately we don't want to force the additional install size on players not interested in Blackwood.

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is a known crash with UE4 games at the moment, it can happen with both Nvidia and AMD cards, though based on the reports we see it appears to be most common with Nvidia. Unreal has an issue tracker up for it at the moment, the targetted fix is for version 4.24 which is the next version (though that's not a guarantee), if they are able to resolve it or make changes to mitigate the crash, we'll be incorporating their fixes as soon as possible.

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

A technical hurdle we have with ships is the memory footprint they add to the game. With all the unique pieces on a boat, just by introducing a new type, we end up adding a lot of memory and there isn't really any other gameplay aspect that's comparable to it, once we make some improvements and overhauls to this system, it'll become a lot more likely that we'll be able to add additional ships, not to say that it won't happen now, but this is one of the things we have to workaround. Memory is an important aspect as it's something we need to consider when getting ATLAS to launch on console later on.

It's why in the past when we have decided to do introduce an update that effects ships, it tends to be based on introducing mechanics that work with ships, so think ship weapons/structures, their attachment system etc: Racks, Ballista Harpoon, Fishing Net.

The attachment system is pretty robust, so it wouldn't be surprising to see new systems based around ...

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    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yup, that's definitely true, though I don't think those people would feel that way about the mass multiplayer game in its current state, perhaps as we get further along in its development

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

You'll need to make sure you've got the free DLC in order to gain access to the map, you can spot it by searching for ATLAS in your Steam Library, and there will be an option to Blackwood as an active DLC. As for the keybinding, it may be because your keyboard doesn't support the character, for which you can change the key binding in your game options:

Toggle console is the option you'd want to reassign to a different key.

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

From our point of view, players who are interested in playing those game modes (non-dedicated and single player) aren't really interested in playing the Mass Multiplayer version of the game. Additionally, ATLAS has a pretty steep entrance in order to become competitive and it's very easy to get driven off of the main servers (at least on PvP). Providing these options give players an alternative choice, whilst we work to resolve ATLAS fundamental design issues. It's not something that will happen overnight, or I guess over the last 6 months. In hindsight, the team recognize there's a lot of things that could have been done differently, had we the power of foresight . We are planning for the long term and I am hoping it's something we'll be able to cover more in upcoming articles/streams -- you'll have to stay tuned for now .

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

This looks like a bug with the training dummy in particular, and there are likely some other structural pieces with low decay timers that will need to be tweaked. I have spoken to the design team about syncing up the decay so that there is consistency across the board and it's something they're amenable to though it might be a bit of time before it comes into place.

As for structure spam in general, that's a much more difficult issue to deal with and we are actively discussing and looking into solutions, but there are no immediate changes on the horizon as it's something we'd like to plan out more thoroughly.


How do you tame it?

Jokes aside, if you take a look at the ATLAS Keyart, it is something that we've alluded to happening in the far off future -- whether that ends up being the case we'll see as plans can change, but we are certainly open to it.

Pretty cool final piece though :)

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

Aye, we can certainly understand why it seems odd given the initial intent behind ATLAS. The alternative game modes were created as part of Early Access, it wasn't something that we had initially intended to do but the feedback and requests were there, and it was something we knew we could tackle. Blackwood's creation stemmed from wanting to provide the modding community with a resource/example of a map that could contain what ATLAS has to offer but within a single server. Now that these alternative game modes and Blackwood are out the door (albeit with issues we'll need to resolve over time), our attention will be on the Mass Multiplayer version of the game, as that is our team's main priority, which you'll see over the months ahead.

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's something we are looking into. Blackwood is pretty large, we had to make some technical changes to support the size of the map and this might be the reason we're not seeing as many spawns, not just due to the amount of space available but some tech reasons. If you're running on a non-dedi, you may have to wait a while in certain areas for all the spawners to appear (i.e fresh water sources around land masses).


    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

We don't have a build available on the PTR for players to test yet.

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

It hasn't been scrapped and should still be making its way to you, though it may not be until the next mega patch drops.

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is a bug that we'll have fixed up for it's next update which hopefully will be sooner than later.

    Dollie on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, it's coming to Xbox sooner than the end of year. We'll share more info on the specifics of that when we're able.
I know it has been a wait and we really appreciate the excitement, hopefully we can share more with players soon.