Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

06 Dec


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Originally posted by PranlV

The tweet adresses the whole community as one. The whole community doesn’t share the same opinion which renders his argument completely void, yet you still liked it. Don’t take this post as an insult, all I’m saying is that it’s a poor way to represent the community by grouping everyone into the same group. I get that it’s impossible to please everyone, although we feel like our feedback on the TTK update isn’t being listened to.

Although I’d like to apologise about how I worded my title, it was in the heat of the moment. I don’t think you’re bad at your job, I just didn’t agree with the tweet.

I agree 100%. Generalizations are weak and, to be frank, a bit lazy. Clumping everyone together isn’t accurate - everyone has their own opinions and situations - even if many agree on one thing, it’s not everyone (as that tweet reads). That is one of the reasons I unliked it.


Originally posted by Tsouke11

I appreciate the response, how is dice taking the criticism we give from the community. I want to know that it’s not just being ignored.

It’s not being ignored. There’s meetings on Monday regarding the recent changes and steps going forward. I don’t have any further details at this time - but the feedback received has been noticed and acknowledged by the studio. We’ll have more info next week, hopefully.


Originally posted by CreativeSoju

as silly as that sounds, this is our reality in 2019

This really adds to the authenticity of the apology.

Allow me to clarify. I wasn’t saying that it’s silly to apologize for the offense. And I truly am sincere in my apology.

We’re in an incredibly connected time because of social media and people look for “gotcha” opportunities. A misspoken tweet, an ill-advised like or RT is now considered gospel and used as evidence of the entire thought process of someone - rather than having a conversation about said tweet. That, to me, is silly. But it is where we are. And I do apologize.

And I’m owning the fact that it was I’ll-advised to like that tweet - I should’ve looked at it as a whole rather than the message it was trying to convey. Had I done that thoroughly, I wouldn’t have liked the tweet.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Maybe go look at my comment on that thread.


I did like the tweet when I first saw it in my feed (which I’m sure you can imagine is quite full). Not a huge fan of the tone and words used, but I saw the bigger message. (And then I unliked it because of that last part.)

The part that struck me is about the fact that it’s impossible to make everyone happy about changes -

There’s always going to be someone (or many folks) that completely agree with your direction, and just as many that don’t. And that’s the crux of the issue - make everyone a little unhappy with a middle-ground compromise or piss off a section of the community but make another section happy? (And please note, one section of the community doesn’t “speak for the community”. Half the folks that play games don’t even use Reddit, Twitter, or Forums.)

This isn’t in anyway an attempt to diminish the importance of the feedback from one section or another - at all. The Devs have to balance the feedback with actual hard data that shows more than gu...

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Alright, this one has gotten a bit toxic and out of hand. It will remain up, but locking comments.


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Originally posted by L33my

Does weapon mastery assignments track in custom servers ?

Yes, the only things that don’t track are Chapter XP and ToW progression.


Originally posted by rainkloud

Please please please make “players needed to break pre round” to 1 on password protected servers so we can conduct testing on vehicles.

Vehicles are the most complex aspect of battlefield and understanding how damage works and being able to provide the community with vehicle stats is much needed. There’s no practical way to do this right now with Practice Range only having a few vehicles and vehicle weapons.

Since vehicles can’t be spawned into until preround is broken the current minimum setting of 4 prevents people from doing solo testing or even testing with a buddy.

Totally understand and agree. I have a lot of thoughts on what should/shouldn’t be allowed on Password Protected servers based on feedback from Competitive gamers and content creators over the past few months. And we’re sharing this feedback with the team.


Originally posted by SkySweeper656

Let us earn XP towards ToW and general ranking... FFS what's the point of community games if we're staying stagnant while playing it?

You earn Soldier XP and Weapon progression unless the server is password protected.


Originally posted by Tulk1n

16,32 or 64? Where's 48???? 48?????

What modes currently support 48 player count? (This isn’t me being sassy, I promise.) Mutators are something Adam and I know the community want. (And something I’m pushing for with the continued development after the New Year.)


Originally posted by ascend_sulejek

As content creator my feedback would be:

-minimum 1 player to start a match (servers with password)

-availibilty to set SPECTATOR MODE DELAY TO ZERO


Definitely something I’m recommending.


Originally posted by UncleSlay

u/Braddock512 Duly noted.

Tough sell when communication is misleading at times and not addressing the most topical concerns. Your lot is not to blame for decisions, but that is not to say there is no room for improvement in what you can control.

Hope all is well and the s/ comment above was not taken as anything more than blowing off steam.

I understand. We have a meeting going on Monday morning to talk about the progression feedback we’ve seen (and Adam and I knew this was going to be a thorn in folks’ side.) We’ve taken some suggestions - half-XP, standard settings, etc as examples of what the team could do regarding ToW XP/Chapter XP, and are writing a report for that meeting to see what can be shifted/changed.


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Originally posted by Abizuil

Spamming up the subreddit with 0-content posts so far as I can tell.

Correct. That meme was removed as per the rules of the sub and he reposted it.

He's not very bright either to be honest