Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

15 Jul


BF V is a completely different game build from BF1, they couldn't possibly use models from BF1 without 100% rebuilding them. So as far them being lazy and being able to fetch previous models, that is simply not true. Even if they took an idea from BF1 they would still have to go through the process of building it from nothing,

That being said, how in the world is that skin a BF1 asset?


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Originally posted by Therealguy10

So I wanted to ask again, any word on creating outfit presets? I remember one of the managers saying they were going to talk to the devs about it and we haven’t received any updates so far.

It's something I've chatted with the team about - and I know it's something you're definitely interested in, but right now, focus is on fixing the game, getting some maps out, improving the game, and getting to Chapter 5 - The Pacific. If I hear any updates on this, I'll let you know.


Originally posted by Chris15Voice

Update for the next week? You said last week the update will release this week, and Rush it's only one week or to stay forever?

Rush is part of the Weekly Challenge. So it will be live during the Chapter 4 Week 4 Storyline.

RE: the timing of the update - I stated we were looking to have an update this week. The next morning, I was told by Devs that it was moved out a week to add more fixes to the game. I clarified this on another post on a thread in this sub.


Originally posted by ToLurkorCirclejerk

No mention of it. Nothing to report Braddock?

They're still working on fixing the artifacting issue - I haven't seen an update today on the status. Will check on that. The priority was to resolve the invisibility issue, which we should have in the next update (next week).


Originally posted by marmite22

I asked before but I didn't get a response. Are there any plans to update or talk about updates to Firestorm? I'm still waiting on the new looting UI and respawn system that were postponed from the last patch. Any news on them? Anything else cool coming?

There are plans to talk about those Firestorm Quality of Life improvements. u/PartWelsh is leading the charge on that.


Let's see what's on the calendar for this week!

While this is an overview of the planned content and announcements for the week, please be aware some things may shift/move. Be sure to stay up-to-date by checking back here daily as we'll update this as things are added or shifted.

Monday, 7/15/2019

  • This Week in Battlefiel...
Read more External link →

Originally posted by KillerCh33z

did you go to college braddock? I'd love to have a job similar to yours one day. if so, what did you major in?

A lot of folks in this role major in Communication or Marketing.
I did not. I was in college for about... 3 months. Then I started bartending and building my own web company (around 1997).


Originally posted by Seicocat

Why would he have to respond to all of them? A simple explanation would be much better than radio silence. We still have no ETA on when Frontlines is coming back, despite the multitudes of posts asking for it. We still don't know when tank customization is coming. We still haven't gotten an update on the invisible players, other than "squad-play should mitigate the death to invisible players". He's a community manager, a job which requires interacting with the community.

edit: strikethrough

Hey Seicocat,

  • Frontlines Returning - Currently, there is a playlist that includes Frontlines. We made some adjustments to Frontlines in one of the last updates. I don't have any information regarding it coming back permanently, at this time.
  • Tank Body Customization - This is something I have been working to get an update on with the Dev team. Currently, it's in scope for a future update, but I don't have details to share just yet.
  • Invisible Players - we've talked about this quite a bit - it's one of the top issues in the Battlefield Quality of Life Tracker. We're on track with a fix for this with the next upd...
Read more

Originally posted by FILLIP_KIRKOROV

u/Braddock512 Frontlines comes temporarily or on a permanent basis?

This playlist is temporary and will end at 12PM Thursday, Stockholm time.


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Originally posted by 00juergen

The others are right. It's bugged and seems you have to complete it 5x.

Hmmmm, will check with the team. Thx for bringing it up.


the CC is per piece, so if you only buy the receiver you are only getting the receiver.


Had a chat with the team. The progress there shows the position you reached. It's possibly not obvious enough. Basically what it show here is that you reached a position above 32. Judging by the progress, it's most likely around 50 of 64.

You indeed only have to reach 32 or better once like last Chapter. The same assignment existed there as well.
Also mind that this is your personal position. Not the team position.


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14 Jul