Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

16 Jul


Originally posted by AlbionToUtopia

you and u/manimal_pride have a serious attitude problem

Whew, for a second there I thought you meant me.

...poor u/manimal_pride has a lot to answer for.


Originally posted by AlbionToUtopia

Again - snippy answer. I mean of course moderation is not an easy job. You have to constantly work on yourself - but you can do better man.



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Originally posted by Telperionn

New elite soldiers coming next week as well?

Correct. Norman and Ilse arrive with the update.


Originally posted by itsthechizyeah

So, basically the team can really only focus on one issue at a time then? Just to manage expectations, it'd be good to know what can be reasonably expected.

No, sorry if that’s how it seemed. They are fixing multiple issue and focusing on critical bugs simultaneously. Obviously, the inability to see enemies or friendlies would take precedence over other items. They’ve continued working on Al-Sundan’s issue because it’s important to get this map out and available on the mode where it will really shine. But that would be hampered if you can’t see enemies.


Originally posted by extremelyIce

any news on fixing P08 Carbine's specializations being stuck?

This was answered in this thread. Yes, it is fixed with the next update (4.2).


Originally posted by junkerz88

u/Braddock512 any update on that letter about pilot/tanker customization? I know you said you were working on a pitch to the devs about that.

I know the priority right now is fixing the game, but I’m just curious if there’s any update!

Nothing I can share right now, but we (u/PartWelsh and I) are on it.


Originally posted by junkerz88

If you need an argument to help explain to them why we want this so bad, tell them this: right now, we have 8 soldier outfit presets, 4 each faction.

If you add outfit presets for Urban, Desert, Snow, and Forrest, that ups our outfit combos to 32! 32 different outfits means there’s more incentive for me to purchase BOINS for in depth customization per biome (that’s my 2¢ anyways)

Right now, at the start of the match, I change my outfit and camo depending on the map (the right camo is a huge advantage) and frankly it’s obnoxious, presets need to be a thing down the line.

I absolutely agree that presets should be available. Especially because of the fact you can't just select the headgear and "Apply All" of the same skin on a soldier (like you can with the weapon skins).


Originally posted by TreeTreeLow

Any fix for the PO8 specialization glitch?

It's fixed in update 4.2 (the next update).


Originally posted by HotSauceZee

Well call me Tom Sawyer and thrust me into the Limelight because Rush is coming back!

Alright, Geddy Lee.

15 Jul


Originally posted by GlintSteel

I remember u mentioning the team is working with community health broadcast. Is it still going?



Originally posted by ArtooFeva

How long will Rush be active in the game?! It’s definitely something we’ve all been looking forward to.

It will be active for the Weekly Storyline.


Originally posted by Helloimoffmymeds

Braddock I've gotta ask... How is the team personally feeling about the games future?

Are they convinced that BFV will reach a point where it becomes a really good battlefield game content and bug wise? or do they think the games troubled life will hold it back forever? What does the team see in its future?

The team is dedicated to Battlefield V - improving the core gameplay, bringing more fixes to bugs, delivering content (maps, theaters of war, and features). Right now, we’re in a rough spot but I can tell you that the devs, CMs, all of us want the best Battlefield possible and we’re going to continue working on getting it there.



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Originally posted by NorwegianAnubis

The mask, it's the Sentry mask. Same spikes and all

Sentry mask was an Italian Set that was made from Iron.

This is a German WW1/WW2 era sniper mask. I don't think they are similar at all to be honest.