Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

14 Jul


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13 Jul


Originally posted by connorman83169


It’s a term used when you present an idea to someone meaning “get them to agree, go along with”. In this case, it would mean they would need to agree to the idea, plan the work, calculate the dev hours needed, and get approvals. Then they’d need to look at the internal roadmap plot it out.


Originally posted by veekay45

Cheers. Hope it works out.
Please keep in mind that the community has come up with lots of ideas in that regard too. Maybe could be of some use.

Yes, indeed.


Originally posted by veekay45

u/Braddock512 what about that big letter about pilots and tankers you received from the devs?

I replied in the other thread about this. PartWelsh and I are holding off on their reply because we have some ideas that could potentially work. But we have to get buy-in from the Devs. Then we’ll have more info to share.


Scout. Model 8 with RPM increase, smoke, flare gun, spawn beacon. 2 shot kill from most engagement ranges. Smoke to rez. Flare to spot. Beacon for backcaps. It's one of my favorites to play.


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Originally posted by Suyogya17

It’s happening a lot. Bullets don’t register. There are countless videos and my experience. Please, try to get this up to priority!

I have seen a lot of videos with different occurrences of bullets not registering but the reason for it can be very different from case to case. There are a lot of potential reasons outside of the hit detection itself. We are definitely aware of the cases that are posted here though.


Originally posted by qlimaxmito

Truck had its tires shot flat, lowering the collision mesh client-side but not server-side:

Exactly what is happening in OP's video indeed. Sharing with the team so we can make sure the collision updates on the server when the tires are flat. Thanks for sharing those videos. :)


Originally posted by Z0uc

That's the problem. You combine the worst game mode with the best...

What is wrong with you ?! (by you I mean Dice)

Whew. I was worried you were asking what’s wrong with me ... and there’s not enough digital paper in the world to list out all of that. ;)

I can tell you I’ll share the feedback. Can you expound on why you personal dislike the playlist? Just so i can have some weight to the report?

I appreciate it.


I thought the thumbnail was a rubber ducky.


Originally posted by SirFappington007

Do you play much yourself?

I play daily - at least 3-4 matches. On the weekend, I try to play a bit more.


Originally posted by PM_ME_GPU_PICS

what's up with adding TDM to the Frontlines playlist?

It's a Close Quarter Combat playlist - not just Frontlines.


Let's do a quick review of this week and get a peek at what's coming in July.

Archive for Week of July 8th, 2019

Monday, 7/8/2019

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12 Jul


Originally posted by SirFappington007

I suppose the Community Manager should just walk into the DICE Sweden office from the other side of the globe and just change all the assignments himself. What more can he honestly do mate? I find it frustrating too but what's to say Braddock doesn't get just as frustrated with having to give unsatisfactory answers as we do reading them.

100% just as frustrated.


Originally posted by AshySamurai

Can we just get a hidden assignment back in any form?

I wish! That’s one of the things I’m pushing for. For example:

Super grindy - 100 kills with X weapon

Mid-grindy - 15 kills in a round near objective

Shortcut (hard): 7 kills hipfire in a life

Must complete 2/3

I think something like that would be more fun and more achievable.



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It's called RSP and it worked very well in BF4 / BF1 ;)

I was an admin on the AOD Stomping Grounds servers and we were extremely proactive in monitoring and kicking cheaters from the server. We also kicked /banned for toxicity in the chat. It worked pretty well as our servers were some of the most favorited on PC.

Good communities will catch these guys so that they don't ruin the experience for people playing on the servers. I think a lot of this will settle down once private games come and people start populating community servers.