Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

09 Jul


Originally posted by LtLethal1

Hey u/Braddoxk512 can you explain for us why it's so difficult to add a male/female toggle for the pilot/tanker somewhere in the company screen or settings?

Give us a good detailed explanation and save it so you can refer back to it because I think a lot of the frustration with this issue is that it seems like such a simple thing to add that would please a lot of players and yet DICE refuse to explain why it won't be happening.

What makes this so complicated?

I'll ask one of the Lead Producers for a flat-out answer on the "Why?" tomorrow morning. As soon as I get that answer, I'll reply here.


Originally posted by 1MC_

/u/Braddock512 Why isnt a CTE for bfv not being considered? I know the top priorities are bug fixing but a CTE could seriously help with that. Look at the community output when new bugs are found. A CTE has got be worth some time.

The cadence of updates in this BF compared to previous titles would significantly divide the team between the CTE and the release version. By the time an update is released, they’re already working on the next one. (We’re averaging 14-20 days between main updates). So the average CTE "lifespan" of a build would be 2 days - max. Then the team would have to take the new "retail" build when it's released, create a new CTE from it, then start over to get ahead of the "retail" update cadence. The alternative is to reduce the amount of updates - which no one wants (remember it would be like 3 months between updates for BF4?). It's a tough spot right now - and I'm in no way saying the CTE didn't provide a lot of benefit to previous Battlefield games. But with the speed and frequency at which the Dev team are driving updates, improvements, feature drops, etc., it would significantly impact the cadence of release to have the teams divided.


Originally posted by Eirik-E

With the addition of req point call ins and vehicle occupant revives, maybe we should go 1 step above that and look at the larger picture as a whole. How do we transition pilots and tankers to infantry and infantry into tankers and pilots with call ins? Maybe not for this iteration but in general. If battlefield wants to always remain the combined forces shooter, we need to remove these barriers somehow.

That’s an interesting point. But to be fair, if a pilot bailed out, he shouldn’t be able to switch to having an MMG as a Support (he didn’t have it in the plane with him). I would go so far as to say the pilot and tank driver load out (from spawning in the vehicle) shouldn’t change if they leave the vehicle. (They can pick up another weapon on the ground from friendly or enemy bodies.)

That being said, if a Recon jumped in a vehicle, should he have the same abilities as a someone who spawned into a tank? Like fast repair or the repair torch? In my personal opinion, it wouldn’t matter what class you pick because it would be too fluid - not really matter for the teamwork aspect.

These are just my thoughts, and I appreciate you sharing yours.


Originally posted by PoisonStrudel2084

u/Braddock512 the British team used to have a much darker khaki brown option for their uniforms in the alpha/beta, any chance we'll ever get that back?

Got any screenshots for comparison to current outfits? Just so I can have a better frame of reference.


Originally posted by JerboiZoobat

Any chance we’ll be able to activate specializations for the p08 with the upcoming patch?

The main update (Not this week’s potential hotfix) has addressed the specialization issue with the P08.


Originally posted by Lock3down221

Ah I see.. Would it be possible get an ETA on this with the devs? I'm concerned that if left unchecked, it might lead to further issues down the line..

I escalated it to our private Slack to get an ETA. Will keep you posted.


Originally posted by ace980

How come the only thing that works is boins and fixing incorrectly released skins? Im honestly curious as to how much of the staff is working overtime in that part of the company u/Braddock512

That’s a fair question that I’ve been asked previously, and I’ll share the same answer here.

The Marketplace/Armory team are their own team, not related to the core gameplay team that drives fixes, improvements, and new features. With issues in the Marketplace/Armory, most times it’s an incorrectly flagged item that can be quickly “switched off”. This doesn’t require significant code change, a hotfix, or client update as it’s all featured from our backend.


Originally posted by WiSeWoRd

So far, I haven't see it work by with the Staghound, Archer, and 38T. No Doritos or spotting score, so the entire mechanic may be wack.

Alright. Thanks for those details. I’ll make sure to check if there’s already a JIRA ticket.


Originally posted by jjconstantine

Hey u/braddock512 I love this game, despite the bugs. I trust they'll be fixed. Two things I want to know though:

1.) SERVICE STARS???!?!??

These were my favorite thing to grind for in BF3, BF4, and BF1. I spend an absurd amount of time playing battlefield, but I currently don't have the "fake internet points" incentive to grind my M1907 SF. I will spend $100 on boins if you can make this happen. (Seriously. I know it's chump change for EA/Dice but I want it that badly.)

2.) Reset K/D

I sucked at this game when it launched. Now I don't suck. But I have over 20,000 kills, so it's REALLY arduous to change my K/D by even .01... Can we ever have the option to reset this?

I would consider those some great Quality of Life feature requests. Obviously not something to prioritize right now til we’re out of the woods, but I do have a nice list of features folks have been requesting and we’ll add it there. If I get feedback - one way or the other - I’ll let you know.


Originally posted by WiSeWoRd

The vehicle infantry spotting scope doesn't work anymore.

All vehicles it’s available for or any particular ones you’ve noted?


Originally posted by LOLRememberarbitur

Dont apologize to these cunts. All they do is call you names and treat you like garbage.

We don’t combat toxicity by being toxic, bud. Report offensive posts, but don’t resort to negative behavior, you know?


Originally posted by dev71

Not that I care at all about face paint, but many of us are missing out on TOW XP points. Being on xbox and not a player of small game modes (Battlefield to me has always been large scale battles, infantry AND vehicles, so conquest and breakthrough), so for people like me, this came has been unplayable since the last hotfix. Too many crashes, not to mention the many issues if you even manage to get into a game. I'm sure its copy and pasted, but reminding us it's the last chance at TOW def sucks if your and xbox player. Because of the way content is dribbled through to us through the TOW system, that means a lot of us will be behind the ball when it comes to the TOW chapter. That means, not only are we missing the chance to play the game, we're going to end up missing content that we would have normally gotten. That sucks.

You’re right. Let me talk to some folks in the morning about this specifically.


Originally posted by Lock3down221

Hi u/Braddock512.. I'm unsure if Dice is aware but ever since the hotfix, the game crashes at times while playing in conquest in PS4.. It's not frequent but it happens enough to cause further frustration to an already buggy game.. I can tolerate the other bugs at a certain extent but the invisible soldiers and these game crash bugs are intolerable.. Would the hotfix this week be able to address this as well for the PS4?

The hotfix is already locked. I know there has been some JIRAs regarding crashing on PS4, but I don’t know what release they’re fixed in.


Originally posted by ToLurkorCirclejerk

Well props to you! It would send a pretty fair message though. "The Battlefield V subreddit was so toxic that community managers have left it entirely" It's rough seeing people basically bully you guys for content. No one is that entitled

That would imply I’m swayed by bullying. ;) I see your point though.


Originally posted by NUIT93

Damn i was gna try to sneak your handle from ya 😅 on XB1X tho. Keep holding down the real world man, gotta keep that balance. Ive got the poor man's version over here with my wolf hybrid mutt, batshit crazy live-in ex, broken 6 string i havent touched in a year, and bicycle mechanic/courier job and neverending project.

My online name is the same everywhere. Braddock512 on all platforms and social channels.


Originally posted by AverageSamson

Will we be getting Ju-52s for airborne on base maps once the Marita grand operations drops?

Good question. I don’t know. I’ll look into it.


Originally posted by nkonrad

I appreciate the response.

With the game in its current state, obviously fixing major game-breaking issues would take priority over adding a new class to the roster, but when things are back to normal I definitely think it'd be worth bringing up again to the devs.

With the new ability to revive people after their vehicle blows up, it might be worth reconsidering the importance of vehicle operator customization. I'll occasionally get my tank destroyed and then get revived, which means I'm stuck with the default tanker loadout. Even the addition of one or two other SMGs, shotguns, or carbines would make it a lot easier to still contribute to the team if your vehicle gets destroyed.

That is a great point to add towards the conversation. Let’s get through these next few updates and focus on getting the game in a solid state, and I’ll re-ignite the conversation internally. No promises that it will make a change, but I can try.


Originally posted by Eirik-E


A while ago someone during one of the weekly videos talked about how after introducing manual leaning there was something else in the works for movement. If they talked about it already, is it possible we'll see it in this update next week? Do you have any tidbits relating to what it is and when it might be coming?

That is a great question for u/PartWelsh as he hosted those videos.

08 Jul


Originally posted by NozGame

1 month to get a reply about a simple issue. Things sure are slow at DICE...

I’m sincerely sorry that I didn’t get back to you sooner. It’s been a bit hectic, what with EA PLAY, major bugs, and some holidays. I’ve repinged the email thread and I’ll reply tomorrow.


Originally posted by ToLurkorCirclejerk

Abandon this piece of shit sub

I won’t abandon part of the community. It’s just not in me to do that.