Star Wars: Battlefront

Star Wars: Battlefront Dev Tracker

23 Jan

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Free-ON

Wishful thinking, but could that gif be a Pilot Luke skin tease? Can’t think of any other reason to use that one unless I’m missing something...

He's looking for the update, nothing more.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ArtificialOof

It's basically like this, the clone wars fans wanted Ahsoka, Mace, Jango/Cad Bane, and Asajj to be added. Sequel fans and a handful of others thought Hux and Poe would be added

No one initially thought small utility droids would ever be playable, especially as a hero so it's definitely (and understandably) jarring to think DICE would even add them the way they did

Now yes there are some that like the idea of a new way of playing and others rather prefer the alternative, personally I don't mind the soccer balls being added as long as it's done right.

As for how at least Ben (cause his responses are all I see about it) addressing those that prefer anyone other than the two droids, I understand his point of "we don't care we're gonna do it our way" but i don't agree with how he presents some of his info and logic; like he grasps for straws to try to sound valid like this post for example showing the service record comment, Poe literally tried to kill Kylo while...

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A lot of the time people forget that adding content is never as easy as "let's do this" and it magically happens.

There are a lot of things that happens and sometimes things are never as straight forward.

"Why don't you do this?" "Maybe we wanted to, but for whatever reason, we couldn't?"

22 Jan

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bigbob1825

Does this include Friday?

Yes, all events start at 00:01am on Friday Stockholm time (CET)


Today's been a bit of a rough day as I'm a little bit ill, but coming home to seeing this has really perked me up. Thank you for this, you're too kind!

It's an honour and gift to be able to represent such a community as this, I don't speak about it often (though I'm sure Master Ben Walke is tired of hearing it) but from being here day one and going through all of the rough (with a fair bit of good along that way too) to the stage we are at now, is truly nothing short of remarkable and the amount of pride I feel for each and every one of you in this community, knows no bounds.

Keep being awesome, and since u/ficerc mentioned it...

Roger, Roger.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by plagueisthedumb

Man I need to save up and buy this game again, I lost my original ps4 disc like an idiot.

Thanks u/F8RGE ill see you all out there on the battlefield!

Are you still playing on PS4?

21 Jan


This is usually a sign of a latency issue, if your ISP and the game servers are not communicating sufficiently enough then the game will tend to plant you until it begins receiving enough data.

I would suggest that you open you open the ports listed on our EA Help site and go through any troubleshooting for your router, if that doesn't resolve it get in touch with our support team for further ​help.


Originally posted by St0rmO1

Every character with capes have the same problems, it got worse since the "Roger Roger" update. Since that update, Lando, Vader, Dooku's cape gone broken. There's way too much clipping issues with the heroes right now. The old players might remember that Vader didn't have any problem with his cape at launch, it was perfectly animated and there were no clipping, now his arms goes through his cape with every movement he does. Even Phasma's cape is weird though there is no clipping, it's sort of distorted. Han has his gun holster clipping through his leg with the Yavin ceremeony skin.. This may be nitpicking but if there's more and more as skins are added, Kylo's Supreme leader appearence suffer clipping issues too, except it's very minor.

u/F8RGE u/T0TALfps please Can these clipping issues be flagged? It's getting annoying to play characters because of that...

Someone had reported this to me a week or so ago and it was forwarded through to the team to investigate at that time. Unsure on the status of it and when/if it may get resolved, but it is definitely in our system :)


    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GamingKiwi70

Help us u/F8RGE you’re our only hope

We won't be giving any heroes an additional 4th ability, or at least currently have no plans to do so.



Originally posted by TugonmaNutz

Not related, but any word if what happened to the stinger pistol is a bug or an intentional nerf? Just looking for clarity, it wasn’t mentioned anywhere in any patch notes.

As always, feel free to drop me a message with context and I'll try and look into it. Not personally seen anything on it so i cannot state offhand but I'll gladly look into it.


Originally posted by IAN1014093

Its honestly what a lot of people would like but DICE even giving a crap...😬😬😬

It's not a case of giving a crap (we wouldn't be here if we didn't give​ a crap), it's more a case of where to allocate time and priorities on the list, and ofcourse the things that DICE wish to achieve with the game themselves too.

Motto is never say never, we do take on a lot of feedback and we definitely hear the community ask for this mode a lot too, just that there are other focuses ongoing at the moment.

Watching people establish a little code via emotes and lightsaber usages to initiate a duel over this past year or so has been quite a charming thing to witness.


Each month we tend to hold temporarily modified rulesets on certain modes, this weekend it was a reinforcements based event which reduces the cost of them in certain modes.

You can check out the planned events via the Community Calendar that we put out​ near the start of every month, and that is usually located in the sidebar of this sub too!



The Community Transmission and game update is due to land next week, we'll provide a definitive date as we get closer to it.

20 Jan

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Generalmojo786

If we include the interiors of the capital ships

We are getting 5 maps in one month!

The new ships are looking great too.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by deioncooke_

Any talks to increase amount of auto players on console?

Nothing right now

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Doomslayeer

Any projected timeframe for AI vehicles & Droideka release in CO-OP & IA?

Both are being worked on. Droideka Auto Players is closer.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by deioncooke_

Wait Takodana, Kloss, and Jakku for CS and IA all in one update? I thought it was just Kloss?

We changed things around and managed to get them all out for this update.

19 Jan


Originally posted by AnonymousFordring

If what you say is true, then you have gained my trust.

I don't need your trust brother, i need your happiness. If you're happy, we're good.