Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 Dev Tracker

08 Mar


We have made some adjustments to the minimap to allow for improved context such as height differences etc. This is a very interesting clip here and I'll get it sent through.

Thank you for that wobble wobble!


Another week survived without a pineapple pizza weapon charm.โ˜บ๏ธ


I don't even wanna know about it! Must be some of the most sneaky corner placements ever!

07 Mar


Originally posted by ZenaFPS

Good! Thank you Dice! Now if only they would do the same for the other explosive spam in the game. (airburst , 30mm cannons, 40mm grenade launchers, 50mm cannons, sundance nades, under barrel grenade launchers, and transport vehicles should mainly have mahcine guns)

We have the fun police on speed dial what do you want


Originally posted by SpinkickFolly

The first impression from content creators was that it was not strong enough to compete with C5. Unless your game is rocket league, every single game that is still supported are always releasing patch notes because balance is actually a subjective perception by the community instead of simply being objective numbers on a data sheet.

Focus on the fact Dice has a team ready to respond a week after release. Thats a fantastic turn around and shows they are prepared to make changes once they have the data.

This is a lovely response and we couldnโ€™t have said it better ourselves!


Every Tuesday at 1pm Stockholm time. So right now.


When is the last time you played, and what do you dislike about the current gameplay?


Originally posted by BofaEnthusiast

They're not portal guns like you're thinking. They're weapons from previous BF games that normally exist in the "Portal" mode where you can play older BF games. Some of them got moved into the main weapon pool, though they're not on par with the 2042 weapons for the most part.

We call them Vault Weapons.

We've taken several Battlefield 1942, Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2 weapons from the Portal mode and moved them to All-Out Warfare.

That means you now have more weapons to play with, which is something players asked for.


Originally posted by BofaEnthusiast

What exactly is the point of listening to that podcast other than to here the devs say "Soon TM" for the 9,000th time.

I'd like to give them a little more credit than just "SOON TM"

Through the Podcasts you'll get context on some questions that you can't get elsewhere, or that we previously haven't answer. For example, why often get asked: "you are not doing X or Z feature or change.. by why?".

We've explained they "why" in the Podcast for many different topics over the course of these first 7 episodes.

Like with the questions for Assist Counts as Kill, or why no full XP for Solo/Coop - we gave detailed answer. You are free to still disagree with those answers, but at least you know our thought process now.

The feedback we got from players is that they wanted more (detailed) answers, so we're trying to do better here.


Originally posted by SpinkickFolly

The devs personal comments on boris turret should be shooting marshmallows at people if he had his way..... Like you're not wrong, but can I have my T1 badge on him then, all my damage came when BF2042 was released. Lol.

Seriously though, I know there's always more work to be done. But I hope they address how lack luster Boris/Crawfords kits feel compared to Lis who feels like she should be the standard to balance power around for the engineer class.

The solve here would be instead to change his Mastery criteria.

We've been reviewing some Mastery changes, but nothing is final yet.


Originally posted by evilviking

Call me weird but the return of all chat will get me back in the game more than anything else so far. I hate feeling like I'm playing against bots.

Blow a kiss, fire a gun

We need all-chat to lean on


Originally posted by Akoshus

Too bad all off them will be 1000% damage instakill hardcore servers. Iโ€™m repulsed by the portal variety. All I use it for is end-of-season points grind to get the T1 badge.

I often see comments around (lack of) variety of Portal modes. But these tools are available to everyone.

As a general question.. what prevents you from creating the modes you want to play? I'm not asking to throw shade, but instead to ask if there's improvements we can potentially make make you get more value out of Portal.


Originally posted by Ok_Professional7599

I would argue that the only change will be your own teammates telling the other team just how trash their own team is. I could see maybe addressing hacking issues but really doesn't matter to me. It's just incredibly distracting when these lil whiny bois should be focusing on winning instead of arguing with someone they'll never see but that's a larger issue of itself. All chat will only be more distracting imo

We are hoping that the internet will behave. Let's see how that works out once all-chat is available again.. ๐Ÿ˜


Originally posted by WhoKnows78998

โ€œTheyโ€™re looking into itโ€ was almost always their response. They were very noncommittal and said multiple times they have limited resources

Yes, because we'll get downvoted to hell if plans change and we committed to a specific timeline. And the reality is, timelines for specific changes shift frequently.